About a week ago I found out how fucked up my family is, my mums an actress so she goes on tours alot and my dad is a psychotherapist who has been trying to get his quilification for 11 years!
My dad is a lazy alchoholic but he dosent hit me, but he manipulates my emotions until i’m crying in your room for an hour or 4. My mum hates him because she has payed about 250,000 punds on his training so we’re broke. My brother ignores it by doing working and other activities. My dad is very….. destructive, of people and my stuff. He has probly broken about 1,000 punds worth of my possessions. When my mum got a job in USA and she decided to move me and my bro with her but not my dad. My dad, when he visited, buried her jewellry in Central Park because he was 100% sure she was cheating on him (which she wasnt). My extened family is very fucked up aswell. I do not know what to do at all. My parents are breaking up and I dont know what to do. My dad blames my mum for not loving him (havent had sex in 5 years) and my mum blames my dad  for being an achoholic! What should I do!?!?!?!!?
I’m sorry to hear that, I have quite a few friends from unwell families and I see how hard it is for them. I get it you live with your mom now? What do you think would be the best outcome for your parents?
No, they have not broken up yet, thats the point. I’m just watching as the “structre of matchsticks” that is my family, to come crumbling down. But yes, when my parents break up I will live with my mum and my dad will move in with his adopted brother. I guess the best outcome for my parents would be for my dad to get his qualification and my mum to find a new, nice person in her life.