I went for a walk tonight and it occurred to me that maybe there are just too many people in the world. Maybe somehow the universe just created too many people and some of us are just not needed. Perhaps I am one of the people that isn’t really meant to be here. I really am unwanted. I have no friends. Yes, I have people that I talk to at work, but no real friends. I am 37, I work in a professional job. I don’t have kids. I have been in a relationship with a man for the past 7 years (we don’t live together) who has a son and I felt very close to his son, but every holiday time I am left alone while they go camping or vacationing with other families. I am not allowed to go. If I ask I get told he wants to spend time with his son. I don’t understand how the other people are allowed to be there while he spends time with his son and I am not allowed. I spend time with them on the weekends if it is at their house and I stay and we have dinner together, but if they go to other events or visit other people or do fun things I am not allowed to go. I want to have people that I am close to, but I just don’t. All the other people that I know have kids and do family things that I don’t get invited to coz I don’t have kids. My own family (brothers and mother) don’t really want me around and I see them very rarely. The only reason my mother stays in touch is coz she wants me to look after her when she’s old. She keeps telling me she wants me to buy a house with her because she is retiring next year, but I still have hopes and dreams that one day I will meet a man and have a family of my own. My mother was very abusive to me as a child and I still don’t completely trust her, she seems to have a way of making me feel like an inferior person all the time. My job is not so good either, I can’t find stable work and keep getting outdone in applying for contracts by the people who seem to be ‘friendly’ with the bosses. I work in education and there is a lot of bullying and competition in the workplace. I believe that has come about because the area I live the education system runs on short term contracts where people are employed dirrectly to schools and there are not many checks and balances in place to make sure people are hired on merit instead of who sucks up the most. I work really hard, I love and care intensely, but nobody wants me. I am just a spare person that doesn’t have any place here. The only thing that keeps me in this world is my niece, I’m scared that if I am not here I will not be able to help her in life if she needs it. I love her so deeply, but I rarely get to spend time with her. She is 13 and my younger brother’s child. Her parents are not together though and she lives with her mother. She sees her dad on some weekends and so I can’t interupt that time. She is the only person that makes me happy and who I feel connected to. But, I fear that soon I will not be able to stave off this feeling of wanting to leave this world. I feel like I’m only holding on for her, but I don’t have a huge impact on her life now anyway and I don’t know if I can keep going just for her. The rest of my life is so painful and lonely. I only see my niece once every 6 months and it’s not enough to outweigh the negativity and desire I have to stop the loneliness. I can’t find any reason to be here. I need to have connection with people, but I just don’t. I have tried volunteering, but I find that people just use you up and still don’t care if you’re ok. I hate Christmas time. I feel so lonely. I don’t have anyone to spend new years eve with and will be sitting at home on my own. I don’t think I can face that. I don’t want start another year without anyone who wants me around.
Christmas time is depressing for people like us.. I lost my little brother due to mental abuse from my mother who then tried to put my little sister in jail so my moms boyfriend wouldn’t get arrested for hitting my little sister. My dad left when I was an infant and has started 2 other families. So I didn’t celebrate christmas at all… But it’s ok it made me realize that its a stupid holiday.
Enough about me – I wish I knew you because Im sure we could be friends. Sometimes it takes a change in your life – then you meet new people and maybe you should change jobs if there’s no room for growth. If you make enough money to afford a dog those a great companions — way better than human ones 🙂
I have suicidal thoughts all the time – the only thing that kept me going was my little brother and sister – now that he is gone from suicide it’s just me living for my dogs and my sister. But because I hold on I realize that every day in my life is different – even if it seems like the same n the outside I feel different each day. So you never know when things will pick up in your life: when my brother died I lost all hope in humanity etc. it changed me and I still don’t have hope for humanity but I want to say “fuck you” to those feelings of me deserving to die, because there are so many shitty people in this word who have everything and are despicable. Those are the people that don’t deserve anything. I deserve happiness and so do you so I keep trying to make that happen DESPITE the pressures of this crappy world trying to bring me down.
why don’t you just reach in my chest and rip my heart out!!! girl i’m sorry but that is very sad! why you put up with that??? you need a lover and a full time one during the holidays too! you may as well be single! and you need to live for your happiness,if i were you i’d put my foot down and start to worry about yourself! and be proud that you are who you are and not some brown nose kiss ass in the work place! you can pull the sheets over your toes at night and feel good about it.
i have seven cats! and they are the loves of my life too! but i’m not just a cat man! but they keep me busy i love to spoil them. to me they are every bit as human as you and i. i wish they could help with the bills though??
After 7 years? I say fuck that asshole. Okay, easy for me to SAY, obviously… but you don’t sound too thrilled with him yourself. Sounds like you’re maybe afraid no one else would want you? Well. I’ve always been of the opinion that it’s better to be single than in an unhappy relationship. …which is why I’m 38 and perpetually single, and will unfortunately never have the family life I crave. Not sure how to come to terms with that. If you think of anything (besides suicide) let us know? I’m trying to tell myself my friends and cats are enough. Sometimes I can almost convince myself. *hugs*