Hi everyone,i’d like to share my story with you people who are by good chance going to understand it. I’m italian, i’m 20, i’m studying medicine and i’ve got pretty much everything that can be asked to life, i’ve got friends, i’ve got a path to follow, i’ve got loving parents,i’m smart and stuff.. Â i’ve got no real problem, i’ve got no big issues, i’ve got nothing, i’m just like the average guy,and i feel sorry for the many of you who actually have something to complain about,something hard, but it’s been already two years since i started asking myself what the meaning was..you know the feeling? You wake up, you go to lessons, you work,you do whatever you’re supposed to do, and in the evening you’re still asking yourself what you’re waiting for.. because you must be waiting for something else,this can’t be the fucking everything,this is just a joke,and not even a good one.. the void..
Leopardi,Pavese,Schopenhauer, these were some of the guys who felt the same, and wrote about it, so it’s not like some kind of sickness or distortion of reality, it’s really a point of view, a belief.. and at times i’m becoming so sick of life,of the lack of meaning, of the absurdity of being here for a hundred years and then disappear completely for the eternity, … you know,tomorrow i’ve got a test. a biology test. i couldn’t give a fuck less. Louis CK (if you’re american,i suppose you’ll know him) said one time: we’re just dead people who didn’t die yet. And though it was supposed to be funny, that’s terribly true.
Thanks anyway for the time. Talking helps a lot. Good..life.
You seem like a really smart person. It also seems like you have this gaping hole inside of you that you try to fill up, but everything you have tried doesn’t seem to work. I would love to chat to you, but it is quite public on here. If what I said is how you feel, then email me on there.is.more@hotmail.com I would love to chat to you!
Sooo true… *sigh* I just wish the world would end!!!!
Sounds your story isnt over, yet 🙂
it seems not to be, thanks!
Yea and I think it was Albert Camus who said something about how even though everything may ultimately be pointless, life still feels pretty sweet with a beautiful woman on your arm.
Life isn’t so much what you make of it, as how you are conditioned to be (which happens early on). I’ve felt like life is shit for decades, and I know it’s just my point of view. There’s no right or wrong. But changing my point of view is like reshaping a piece of metal with a rubber spoon.
I appreciate your Camus quote, but i still don’t think that would work.. it opens a huge debate on what a relationship
may bring, and even the bigger issue of: what does beauty mean? why should be that woman you’re living with beautiful?
i actually don’t stand the idea of love related to the external aspect, and yet it is so, and i and we all are obeying
to that.. well, anyway. hope everything is good