i feel like i need to vent, talk to someone or just get away.
i don’t know why or whats causing me too since i took a weekend off last weekend.
i’m just sick of school, sick of feeling depressed and like crap all the time, i’m sick of not being able to talk to my girlfriend, just fuck it all
my thoughts of suicide have been on and off the past few weeks, the lesser of what they have been over the past month and a half or so.
thought about ways to go, like a simple bullet to the head, starvation, other things. I feel numb all the time, only thing i really feel is this throbbing ache in my chest that never goes away. atleast i feel something. A guy that my girlfriend knew recently committed suicide, ive thought about him to a great extent. ive had many questions like what made him, how did he do it, why did he do it, what was it like, are you happy now?
for true happiness what has to be done to attain it?
hell, i’d be satisfied to be content with my life