So I’m 18, a senior in high school, and although most of the drama in my life revolves around my anxiety and eating disorders, family problems, or suicidal thoughts, for once I have a normal problem. Just typing those words felt fantastic. I have really strong morals, I’m honestly not sure why because it’s not something I learned from my parents, but I don’t know, I just do. I also have pretty high standards when it comes to guys, although I’ve had a few boyfriends I’ve always felt like dating in high school is pointless, it’s just setting you up for a broken heart. I have this friend who is a guy, we’ve been friends since the 7th grade. In 10th grade, when I developed an eating disorder he was super concerned and tried to get me to stop, but I refused and we grew apart. In 11th grade we didn’t talk much, but this year we’re really close again. We both take an online class 3rd hour so it’s just the 2 of us and we have a lot of time to talk. He’s in my group of friends so we hang out after school too, but with a group of people. We flirt a lot, but the thing is he has a naturally flirty personality and so do I. He had 2 older sisters growing up and is used to being around girls, seriously so many girls are attracted to him because of that. We joke around constantly, but we can also have really deep and passionate conversations. He has morals equally as strong as mine and I find that so attractive. On Friday we went out with a group of friends for my birthday and the waitress thought we were a couple and we just went along with it. I like him a lot, but I’m not sure if he likes me in that way or if we’re just really close friends. I know I should just ask, but I don’t want things to be awkward! So have any of you been in this situation? If so, how did you handle it and how did it turn out??
Normal teenage problem for once, anyone want to help me out?
written by mysmilecoversalot :)
Im in the process of going through this. last year i met this guy mark that was awesomme! we were in the same class and i never thought that we would be friends or even talk. i guess i was just judging him by how he looked. but some how we started to talk on facebook and we talkeddd everyday and we told each other everything! he even told me about his penis lol yuck. and well he was the first person that i told about my .. cutting problem. and he was totally cool about it and tried to help (which he did) and then i found out that he had liked me before we met plus the year we talked everyday. itt took me awhile but then i finally realized that i liked him back. but it was too late. he was going to ask me out sometime on this certain week and i was so prepared to say yes but then he randomly asked some other chick out cause he thought i was out of his league… they only dated for 3 days cause she never really like him or whatever and that was in October. it was soo awkward between us and it took us 3 months to actually say hi to each other. i miss him so much and im trying to make things back like they used to. nothing seems to work. im just trying to be like my olldself right now and i think that if we went out with friends, it would help a lot. i think thats what you need to do. go out with him with a group of friends so it isnt awkward and try talking to him more or text him.
i know this sounds gay but i miss his hugs
^That don’t sound gay, its kinda cute 😛
Yeah, it doesn’t sound gay. i liked your story, thank you for sharing! I hope you can be close with him again. i think I’m going to try and get closer with him over the summer and stay in touch when we go to separate colleges. I guess if we end up together then awesome and if we don’t then it wasn’t meant to be.
well i’m guy and i was i this situation with my friend (also a dude) so finally i broke while we were hanging out at my house and it turned out to be a mutual attraction and the night ended with me dropping him off at his home and he started making out with me instead of getting out of the car.and it lasted about 10 mins
P.S. yeah i’m very bisexual
That’s absolutely beautiful. Did anything else come of that relationship? I would love to make out with this friend, but it probably won’t happen!
I like’d sharing it 🙂 and i hope everything turns out great for you. If there’s one lesson that i learned, it would be to never let go of the people you love, always fight for them!!!