I really don’t want to live like this any longer. I don’t even want to live at all any longer. Yet for some reason I keep procrastinating. Could it be fear? Possibly. I’ve been raised to believe that suicide is a sin and is a one way ticket to hell. Is hell much worse than what I’m living in now? I don’t know. Usually, the unknown has scared me. Could it be hope? Possibly. Why I should have any hope left in my heart is beyond me. Maybe there is the tiniest shred of hope in the deepest corners of my heart, but my brain tells me to completely abandon any hope I may have left. I know that it is hopeless for me. I just know it. Could it be plain laziness that causes me to put off my death that I desire so strongly? That is very possible. I am pretty lazy and procrastinate often. All the way through school I was a lazy procrastinator and it doesn’t seem like much has changed since then. But whatever the reason for my procrastination, this much is clear… it needs to stop. Something needs to be done soon. Something serious. I’ve never really had a happy life, and circumstances that keep being thrown at me over the past few years only make living worse. So, I’ve had quite a while to think about this. I know I need to die. I know it is the only way for me to end the pain, sorrow, and loneliness I am feeling. And I know that my situation cannot possibly get any better. I am truly stuck in life and my depression certainly is not helping. I know that I cannot be kept alive, otherwise I will continue to go nowhere and continue to feel absolutely miserable and alone. Other people have wonderful and legitimate reasons to stay alive, but not me. I’ve only ever really wanted one thing in life; and that was to love and be loved. I used to have a heart full of love and joy and passion and my only real dream was to find the perfect someone out there to share it with. I wanted nothing more than to find that special person, my soul mate, my best friend, my life partner, my spouse, and raise a beautiful family with them. I so desired to someday soon find The One for me and fall head over heels in love with them, and them with me. But I realize I have to abandon that dream now. Some of those “circumstances that keep being thrown at me” have made me beyond bitter and unable to trust anyone. Now, when I think about it, even if by some miracle I did get my dream, I STILL wouldn’t be happy anyway. Having to live on for who knows how many more years, always having to worry about that person getting bored with you, cheating on you, and eventually leaving you… I couldn’t do that. So what now? What am I supposed to do when I only had one dream, one shot at true happiness and now that dream has been shattered…? I’m not going to live like this. I will not allow it. I know what has to be done, now I just need the will power to do it. I have to die. I need to die. I’ve been seriously, seriously considering lately an exit bag. I’m still debating, though, whether to use drugs to knock me out first, or gas. I’ve been doing a bit of research and it seems both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. If anyone out there reading this has any useful insight on the matter I would greatly appreciate a comment. Either way, I know I can’t procrastinate forever. I need to get this done and I need to do it right. I really don’t want to go on any longer.
Hi me.
It will be okay. Maybe not for years, but wouldn’t it suck to die the day before things got better? That’s all keeping me here. It can’t rain all the time.
How old are you?I know age shouldnt matter when it comes to pain but the reason I ask is because if you read my profile, I have been through alot and I still to this day spend alot of time alone. I have gone through what you fear, loving someone with all your heart and soul and being destroyed by them. I am still living even after that. Trust me each day for me has its challenges and failures but I still find something in myself to keep going, messege me back we can talk some more.
I appreciate what you both are trying to do, honestly. But I don’t think it will help me. I don’t think anything will help me. I’m too far gone anymore.
rug: Some days I feel a bit better than others. I guess that’s normal. But the rain just keeps coming back and the rainy days far out weigh the not so rainy days for me. I’m totally willing to die and end it all and just sacrifice those extremely rare sunny days. And I can’t wait years for things to get better.
thehurtknow: I too have lived through what I fear, being hurt and having your life destroyed by someone you love. I have lived through it a couple times now. That’s enough for me. A lot of people I have talked to tell me I need to focus on other things rather than love and relationships, but for some reason it is almost impossible for me to focus on anything else. I don’t know why, but that is just my number one priority and I can’t think of anything else most of the time. But I know a person like me will never find true love so I simply don’t see my life as worth living anymore. And I’m not sure if I mentioned this before, but it isn’t just loneliness that’s the problem, it is many different problems.
Again, I thank you both for trying to help, but I really can’t be helped. Not unless someone knows more about suicide methods than I do, particularly exit bags.
Listen I’m not trying to come off as rude but giving up so easily isn’t the answer. You talk about rain and those exceptionally rare sunny days but you seem to be missing the point. It’s not about waiting for the sun to come out, it’s about how hard it’s raining and finding an umbrella. It can rain all it wants and as hard as it wants, but as long as you find an umbrella, you will be okay. You have complete strangers telling you something, real people who have been through the same anguish, horror and pain as yourself. There is always hope and that’s the fucking truth. If all else fails, at least tell me your name…because whether you believe it or not. We are all connected. If it rains on a pond it creates ripples all colliding with one another. I don’t even know you but I know that you have heart.
@ joey732
I just fail to see the point of it all. Giving up is easy. Easier than living my life. So why can’t it be the answer?