HomeGeneralDispite the fact that this is not a personal chatting site I still hope I can fine some one to talk to.Dispite my my family and the friends I ,worked so hard to make, I find my self looking for some one to connect with.Dispite the fact that I found an awesome friend that got me in ever way that I couldn’t possibly crush on, becuase he was gay, I still ruined our friend ship by not being able to talk to him any more. Dispite finding and other cool person later one I still ran away becuase white guys don’t like tall black chicks. Dispite the fact I had a guy friend who liked me and was black I still couldn’t bear to let him hang out with such a boring, poor, unatractive person, when he can do much better. Dispite the fact that I am goraphobic messed up in most ways I still want to go out and just hang out with the people that shine brighter than the sun. Dispite the fact that I am a dark cloud pouring down rain and lighting. Dispite the fact i haven’t been lonely in three years I still feel the despair of being so diffrent that even is I was accepted by people no one should dare want to hang out with some one like me, even if they said they did I will only be a disappointment and a waste of time . I don’t know………….society is made for money, bright personalities,pretty people, and people who are smart. No matter how hard you try something’s are impossible to gain,I guess you only can work hard to fake it by make up, studying, and following thougths with the bright lives………….Dispite the fact this is not a personal chatting site I still hope for so e one to talk to even if it’s only short…..lol ……I like the terms for this site ….it’s ironic ……by reading it you still hope for what the terms say don’t hope for……lol….^^
Dispite the fact that this is not a personal chatting site I still hope I can fine some one to talk to.Dispite my my family and the friends I ,worked so hard to make, I find my self looking for some one to connect with.Dispite the fact that I found an awesome friend that got me in ever way that I couldn’t possibly crush on, becuase he was gay, I still ruined our friend ship by not being able to talk to him any more. Dispite finding and other cool person later one I still ran away becuase white guys don’t like tall black chicks. Dispite the fact I had a guy friend who liked me and was black I still couldn’t bear to let him hang out with such a boring, poor, unatractive person, when he can do much better. Dispite the fact that I am goraphobic messed up in most ways I still want to go out and just hang out with the people that shine brighter than the sun. Dispite the fact that I am a dark cloud pouring down rain and lighting. Dispite the fact i haven’t been lonely in three years I still feel the despair of being so diffrent that even is I was accepted by people no one should dare want to hang out with some one like me, even if they said they did I will only be a disappointment and a waste of time . I don’t know………….society is made for money, bright personalities,pretty people, and people who are smart. No matter how hard you try something’s are impossible to gain,I guess you only can work hard to fake it by make up, studying, and following thougths with the bright lives………….Dispite the fact this is not a personal chatting site I still hope for so e one to talk to even if it’s only short…..lol ……I like the terms for this site ….it’s ironic ……by reading it you still hope for what the terms say don’t hope for……lol….^^
I guess I was wrong nerdy guys, and just about most guys on earth don’t like taller females
The thing about being black is that you kinda have to fit the role or the other person will be disappointed, most guys I see that date black females or looking for a strong lady that’s alive
When you date a girl you kinda want them to be cute or sexy, people taller than you can’t
be cute but are force to be sexy….but I am not aggressive enougth be counted as cute….the person I befriended would be disappointed in the end
Oh and please tell me how to do it rigth clevername
You seem to have placed the entire contents of your post, in the ‘title’ field, rather than in the actual content field.
I consider myself quite nerdy, but not “entirely.” I’m probably less “nerdy” than other “nerds,” though i still identify with the stigma.
I might admit that “tall and black” are not the first things i choose, when considering what i’d like to find in a mate… but being tall and black won’t rule you out or prevent me from giving you a fair chance, either. I think i like “black chicks” more than i like “tall chicks,” but neither is a deal breaker. There’s just something about a strong, physically robust woman, that i find very appealing… and the dark skin tones just make “it” even better.
I like intellect and shared opinions, more than pretty much anything else… but as far as the physical goes, just be healthy. You don’t have to have a perfect body or a certain skin color to be gorgeous or highly attractive. You have to act like you care about taking care of yourself, like you value yourself, but not like you’re just better than everyone, and too good for anyone who didn’t just walk straight out of your best dreams. Just be the best human you can be, and try to find another human who appreciates you for being you.
But yeah. You don’t have to be “strong” necessarily… but you DO have to be “alive.” You don’t have to exaggerate your movements or speak louder than anyone. You don’t have to be “that loud black girl.” Just be yourself. If people don’t like “yourself,” then they’re probably not worth your time.
I just wanted you to understand that being “tall and black,” are surely not the most important aspects, when it comes to whether or not you “click” with someone.
You don’t have to be “the black chick,” and you don’t have to act however you think everyone expects “the black chick” to act. You can just be who you are. That’s the best way to find someone you actually get along with, which is what you should look for, instead of trying to find some predetermined “style” or “type” of person that you think you want.
Being tall is okay. Being black is fine. Being both tall and black, while perhaps less common or less widely sought, is not necessarily a disadvantage, and can be advantageous in some ways. Neither of those traits should make you feel less attractive.
Sure. I mean, I don’t dislike it… i think it’s a valid and valuable visual art and entertainment form, and can be enjoyable sometimes.
The first anime i saw was Akira, way back when…
And i had a half-japanese friend who introduced me to the world of anime, japanese cultural ideas, some of their words, and taoism. Dude was probably one of the best roommates anyone could ever have.
I like some of the anime that has played on [adult swim], but i realize that’s often quite “mainstream,” and sometimes doesn’t really count as “liking anime.” The most memorable stuff would have to be FMA, GITS… and some others, but it’s been a while.
So yeah. I “like” anime, but it’s not “my thing” or anything. I’m not obsessed with it, i don’t usually seek it out, i’m not actively into it, but i think it’s cool, and it’s a cool thing to like. I’m mostly into other stuff though.
I don’t really watch tv or movies anymore. I prefer gaming or just sitting quietly… or reading/writing on the web.
I realize that’s kind of a lot to say, in response to a yes/no/sort-of question… but there it is.
That’s quite interesting, I can’t say that anime on adult swim is not anime, adult swim is what got me into anime and I am guessing you about 26 or 27
What do you do as a. Living and do you know what makes you depressed?
( just so you know my promble I posted to day is just part or my depression, I guess I depressed do do despair of the future I guess or something like that ….it’s like a void that destory me from the inside that’s really hard to figth sometimes)
I would echo a lotof what Clevername says regarding what’s generally “likable” or not …i would add that perhaps it may be a bit assuming, but i think generally whit guys just don’t think black women generally are attracted to white guys in general so they may just assume that they have no shot from the start … to be fair, i’m probably considerably older than most visitor to this site so i have to constantly wrestle with ingrained prejudices that were widely prevalent from my era – many of which were instilled long before i even recognized what they were … i force myself to be vigilant and cognizant to see all people as people despite race, creed, color or orientation … I’m proud of the younger generation for generally casting those prejudices out for the hurtful folly they are.
Now “tall” … that’s a relative modifier … i’d argue that, to me, you’re probably short 😛
In the mean time, let me know when the age discrimination ends 😛 because although i have an idea what anime is… it holds no real interest to me … i’m more of a “Bugs Bunny, Roadrunner” guy 😀 but i’d never inhibit someone else from enjoying the art form that please them … as long as it’s not too loud 😛
I will love to see the day where every one is one giant mix race or something, unlike my old thougth of genocide all other races expert for one I don’t really care with one would stay alive thou.
I am very happy your not a races old bat. Dawg
I am 6 feet 2 inches I kinda doubt your shorter than me.
I love loonly toons the new stuff they put on tv to day not all ways good….like the new loony toon is to much like real people less fun.
Anime is only as good as the genre you like.
Thank you for your words pale geezer dawg
Yes – i’m glad i’m not a racist either because it would limit my opportunities to learn and discuss and experience the world through the yes and experiences of others … like the gentleman (black) i met today at a store – we shared a fairly deep discussion and exchange of ideas and values regarding how some people think certain jobs/work was “beneath them” and that those people turned their noses up at less than glamorous jobs while crying that there is no “work” to be found – we generally agreed on most things we discussed but hearing from the perspective of others of different cultural background make the conversation invaluable – he was a fine, respectful and honorable men – i immediately liked him. If i wasn’t working and he wasn’t just running and errand with other stops to make, i imagine we could have talked for hours and it would have been fascinating.
RE: Height … as long as you don’t wear heels – I win 😛
who knows maybe i just need the right art connoisseur to guide me to the finer points of the genre 😉
I totally agree with you with the dumb laziness and pride in the world that hurts the economy. I assuming your from America….but your pretty awesome dawg what eles do you like….. Why are you depressed?
Oh and I love Amime becuase it’s gives you such positive ideas that destroys the evil in your mind…..it’s not just a cartoon (well some are) but other have so much dept it hard not to see the light
… and I’m not depressed … but one can find my particulars by searching the “Posts” section” for “dawg” … as for my “awesomeness” … I believe i have equal parts fans and critics … but I’m just me
Hey. I know I’m replying late but I just wanted to say that I’m in the same boat as you…well actually I’m black and too short so that’s kind of different. But yeah. Guys find me disgusting in terms of a viable dating partner. Sex buddy? Heck yeah. They just want to add some mocha to their sex latte so to speak. It’s like I have a curse. But yeah, I always say fake it until you make it. Easier said than done I know. However, I think it’s the only way people like you and me can make it in this world. You know?
I don’t really know if it’s the same boat I know many guys who fine short girls attractive, but you should really be your self. Short people are adorable and guys can fall easyly to its charm if used rigth.
1) you’re doin’ it wrong.
2) did you just say “white guys don’t like tall black chicks?” I don’t think that’s very accurate at all.
>.> well clevername
I guess I was wrong nerdy guys, and just about most guys on earth don’t like taller females
The thing about being black is that you kinda have to fit the role or the other person will be disappointed, most guys I see that date black females or looking for a strong lady that’s alive
When you date a girl you kinda want them to be cute or sexy, people taller than you can’t
be cute but are force to be sexy….but I am not aggressive enougth be counted as cute….the person I befriended would be disappointed in the end
Oh and please tell me how to do it rigth clevername
You seem to have placed the entire contents of your post, in the ‘title’ field, rather than in the actual content field.
I consider myself quite nerdy, but not “entirely.” I’m probably less “nerdy” than other “nerds,” though i still identify with the stigma.
I might admit that “tall and black” are not the first things i choose, when considering what i’d like to find in a mate… but being tall and black won’t rule you out or prevent me from giving you a fair chance, either. I think i like “black chicks” more than i like “tall chicks,” but neither is a deal breaker. There’s just something about a strong, physically robust woman, that i find very appealing… and the dark skin tones just make “it” even better.
I like intellect and shared opinions, more than pretty much anything else… but as far as the physical goes, just be healthy. You don’t have to have a perfect body or a certain skin color to be gorgeous or highly attractive. You have to act like you care about taking care of yourself, like you value yourself, but not like you’re just better than everyone, and too good for anyone who didn’t just walk straight out of your best dreams. Just be the best human you can be, and try to find another human who appreciates you for being you.
But yeah. You don’t have to be “strong” necessarily… but you DO have to be “alive.” You don’t have to exaggerate your movements or speak louder than anyone. You don’t have to be “that loud black girl.” Just be yourself. If people don’t like “yourself,” then they’re probably not worth your time.
I just wanted you to understand that being “tall and black,” are surely not the most important aspects, when it comes to whether or not you “click” with someone.
You don’t have to be “the black chick,” and you don’t have to act however you think everyone expects “the black chick” to act. You can just be who you are. That’s the best way to find someone you actually get along with, which is what you should look for, instead of trying to find some predetermined “style” or “type” of person that you think you want.
Being tall is okay. Being black is fine. Being both tall and black, while perhaps less common or less widely sought, is not necessarily a disadvantage, and can be advantageous in some ways. Neither of those traits should make you feel less attractive.
Clevername do you like anime
Thank you clevername for your lovely words your awesome ^^
Oh and my post was like that becuase my tablet wouldn’t let me write properly on the other area other that the name area
Sure. I mean, I don’t dislike it… i think it’s a valid and valuable visual art and entertainment form, and can be enjoyable sometimes.
The first anime i saw was Akira, way back when…
And i had a half-japanese friend who introduced me to the world of anime, japanese cultural ideas, some of their words, and taoism. Dude was probably one of the best roommates anyone could ever have.
I like some of the anime that has played on [adult swim], but i realize that’s often quite “mainstream,” and sometimes doesn’t really count as “liking anime.” The most memorable stuff would have to be FMA, GITS… and some others, but it’s been a while.
So yeah. I “like” anime, but it’s not “my thing” or anything. I’m not obsessed with it, i don’t usually seek it out, i’m not actively into it, but i think it’s cool, and it’s a cool thing to like. I’m mostly into other stuff though.
I don’t really watch tv or movies anymore. I prefer gaming or just sitting quietly… or reading/writing on the web.
I realize that’s kind of a lot to say, in response to a yes/no/sort-of question… but there it is.
That’s quite interesting, I can’t say that anime on adult swim is not anime, adult swim is what got me into anime and I am guessing you about 26 or 27
What do you do as a. Living and do you know what makes you depressed?
( just so you know my promble I posted to day is just part or my depression, I guess I depressed do do despair of the future I guess or something like that ….it’s like a void that destory me from the inside that’s really hard to figth sometimes)
So do you know why you are depressed?
Sorry if I am asking too much
I would echo a lotof what Clevername says regarding what’s generally “likable” or not …i would add that perhaps it may be a bit assuming, but i think generally whit guys just don’t think black women generally are attracted to white guys in general so they may just assume that they have no shot from the start … to be fair, i’m probably considerably older than most visitor to this site so i have to constantly wrestle with ingrained prejudices that were widely prevalent from my era – many of which were instilled long before i even recognized what they were … i force myself to be vigilant and cognizant to see all people as people despite race, creed, color or orientation … I’m proud of the younger generation for generally casting those prejudices out for the hurtful folly they are.
Now “tall” … that’s a relative modifier … i’d argue that, to me, you’re probably short 😛
In the mean time, let me know when the age discrimination ends 😛 because although i have an idea what anime is… it holds no real interest to me … i’m more of a “Bugs Bunny, Roadrunner” guy 😀 but i’d never inhibit someone else from enjoying the art form that please them … as long as it’s not too loud 😛
pale geezer dawg
I will love to see the day where every one is one giant mix race or something, unlike my old thougth of genocide all other races expert for one I don’t really care with one would stay alive thou.
I am very happy your not a races old bat. Dawg
I am 6 feet 2 inches I kinda doubt your shorter than me.
I love loonly toons the new stuff they put on tv to day not all ways good….like the new loony toon is to much like real people less fun.
Anime is only as good as the genre you like.
Thank you for your words pale geezer dawg
WE already ARE one giant race … the HUMAN race 😉
Yes – i’m glad i’m not a racist either because it would limit my opportunities to learn and discuss and experience the world through the yes and experiences of others … like the gentleman (black) i met today at a store – we shared a fairly deep discussion and exchange of ideas and values regarding how some people think certain jobs/work was “beneath them” and that those people turned their noses up at less than glamorous jobs while crying that there is no “work” to be found – we generally agreed on most things we discussed but hearing from the perspective of others of different cultural background make the conversation invaluable – he was a fine, respectful and honorable men – i immediately liked him. If i wasn’t working and he wasn’t just running and errand with other stops to make, i imagine we could have talked for hours and it would have been fascinating.
RE: Height … as long as you don’t wear heels – I win 😛
who knows maybe i just need the right art connoisseur to guide me to the finer points of the genre 😉
equal opportunity dawg
I totally agree with you with the dumb laziness and pride in the world that hurts the economy. I assuming your from America….but your pretty awesome dawg what eles do you like….. Why are you depressed?
Oh and I love Amime becuase it’s gives you such positive ideas that destroys the evil in your mind…..it’s not just a cartoon (well some are) but other have so much dept it hard not to see the light
YEs – I’m American – past and present 😉
… and I’m not depressed … but one can find my particulars by searching the “Posts” section” for “dawg” … as for my “awesomeness” … I believe i have equal parts fans and critics … but I’m just me
just plain old … dawg
You are indeed a great person from your older post that i seen keep being awesome.
Hey. I know I’m replying late but I just wanted to say that I’m in the same boat as you…well actually I’m black and too short so that’s kind of different. But yeah. Guys find me disgusting in terms of a viable dating partner. Sex buddy? Heck yeah. They just want to add some mocha to their sex latte so to speak. It’s like I have a curse. But yeah, I always say fake it until you make it. Easier said than done I know. However, I think it’s the only way people like you and me can make it in this world. You know?
I don’t really know if it’s the same boat I know many guys who fine short girls attractive, but you should really be your self. Short people are adorable and guys can fall easyly to its charm if used rigth.
The white guys I’ve known really liked tall black chicks.