What rule did my most recent post violate for it to be deleted? I’m pretty sure it was flagged by people who have a motive in disrupting something they dislike from someone they dislike… Its fine though… The room will still come to fruition… Flagging my post just shows you’re (not the sp admins) worried about me doing so and you’re trying to prevent it… Ah well nice try though…
Ummm, maybe you should read this:
An occasional link in the comments to a suicide support chat room is allowed, but no specific posts promoting other suicide chat rooms or forums are allowed.
We’re not here to discuss chat rooms, or the drama that unfolds in them. That’s not the purpose of our site, sorry.
SP admin, before the initial conception of the original “SP-Chat” back in August 2012, were there any other previous chat rooms that were established and had later died off? Or is this trend of creating chat rooms more a contemporary issue?
I understand….however you let other users post about their REAL chat room that actually exists and they stole the name of this site to “unofficially” be linked with the room since it has the same name… mines doesn’t even exist yet…like technically I didn’t violate that rule because I didn’t advertise a real chatroom….I advertised an idea….and if the goal of this site is to help people why wouldn’t something thats aiming for the same thing be allowed? I also apologize for the other user bringing drama to that post I didn’t know he would do that and I promise that was never my intention to cause a fuss.
I hope in the future you reconsider letting me promote the room if it comes to fruition. If not then thats okay too…My goal is only to extend the help that this site offers…
http://suicideproject.org/2014/01/come-one-come-all-3/ ….you’ll be needing to delete this one too….I’m just saying I’ll obey all rules but please enforce them consistently ….
Another rule stated is they do not delete posts that are over a week old
Yes but I’m just pointing out the inconsistency in the rules….and lets not pretend that rule hasn’t been violated as indicated by the deletion of the HHM thread that was years old….so they can make an exception this time….or not….doesn’t matter….but I’ll be watching like a hawk and flagging any ****** related posts from now on…..if it applies to me…it applies to everyone…. 🙂
Oh by the way…that post is younger than a week….so I expect its deletion soon…
Oh, I took a quick glance at the date and it didn’t register with me that it was that young, pardon me. I’m not in a particularly attentive state of mind right now. I see your point. As a member of this community for a while now I’ve witnessed the inconsistency of moderating that goes on, but it’s a losing battle to resist against their authority. They have good intentions although bad judgment, let’s be honest SP-A.
Don’t be an ass. Being a nitwit about the rules and whining about how they’re enforced isn’t going to endear you any more to us.
We tried supporting an official SP chat room in 2012. What happened is people got into all sorts of drama and upset about what happened in there, bans, etc. They took all their upset out over here on SP, and SP then — for a time — became, “Let’s ***** about all the drama going on in SP Chat.”
Since chatting is not a core component of our project, nor needed in order to share suicide stories with one another, we decided to stop supporting chat rooms or the publicizing thereof.
So yeah, no chat rooms or ads for them here. You can reply in the comments from time to time about a chat room, but only occasionally.
“Don’t be an ass” excuse me, but how was Pains offensive in any form? You’re quite volatile for an admin and clearly lack any restraint and discipline. He was having a logical discussion of the rules and you get your panties in a knot, those qualities are normally present in the kind of users your rules are intended to dissuade. lol, the admins here are just as nonsensical and dumb as SP
yeah, it feels like some people focus more about chat conflicts than about the site stories here, and it’s sad. Please let’s focus on the real intention of SP, and discuss chat problems somewhere else 🙁
Dude!? I didn’t even say anything disrespectful, offensive, antagonistic or ???…..I’m seriously lost on what I said to be interpreted as being an ass. I’m not trying to endear myself to you. I’m only being realistic. I didn’t lie. What did I say that justified that reaction? jeesh
and Yeah I understand that….but thats happened recently and you still took no action about the frequency that they were posting about their room….and WIG, Donnie and a few other members have come here doing the same thing you described…complaining about being banned….I’m not trying to get myself banned from SP though and you guys have all the power so fuck it I’ll just drop and delete this post and pretend I never said anything….its quite obvious no matter how calmly or nicely I try to discuss things I still get portrayed as being antagonistic….so fine forget I mentioned it….
Nah, I think you should keep this post, it’s a perfect example of the mindset and personality this website retains as well as a reflection of the people running it.
“Oh fuck, someone disagrees with me!? Better break out the ad hominems to overcompensate for my lack of logic and ability to have a calm discussion with someone!!”
Stendarr’s ***** has a point.
If admin cracked down on all the rules strictly this place would become more hostile. Look at the shit we get away with, religious debates (usually) left relatively alone, hell i created a sp bible… Deleting every post that is against the rules would take alot of the posts from here… That being said in on pains side that deleting his about a future chatroom is baseless as its not promoting a chatroom currently in exsistance. I know alot of the previous chat rooms have been… Volatile and counter predouctive to the goals of the sight that foes not mean this one will be too, we are capable of learning from the mistakes of the past. Pain, i think u probably insulted an admin at some stage probably before they became an admin, now its pay back lol
just my two cence on the matter feel free to ignore it. But admin would do well to remember the lessons of past governing body’s. The harder u crack down the harder people tend to push back. P.s please don’t bar me lol
Na The admins here aren’t that bad. I understand they have lives too and can’t monitor this site 24/7 but I’m sure they stumble across things that violate the rules when they do come on and sometimes they let things that slide that shouldn’t….I’m also curious about why there aren’t any mods here who can handle that kind of thing….clevername, dawg, procel, duke, etc etc would all be great mods….I don’t even want to be one I just want the rules to apply to us all….
I’ll refrain from complaining about the enforcement of rules in the future though…it does nothing but make it seem like…”I’m being an ass” so forget it….but I will flag the shit out of any and every ****** post….you can trust me on that….it may or may not work but whoever receives the flagged post notification will be bamboozled when he has 50 all from me flagging a ****** post…yup I’d flag it that many times and more…
@procel: “Pain, i think u probably insulted an admin at some stage probably before they became an admin, now its pay back lol” ….lol come on dude you know insults aren’t even my style ….I prefer to prove I’m right over proving I can call someone a childish name….although I can also accept being proven wrong but 10 times out of 9 I won’t be wrong….lol
The admins/mods of this place actually mostly originate from here from my knowledge. I’m aware of users that have received emails proposing that they become an admin/mod for this site. Perhaps that’s why the admins so closely mirror the annoying, hostile, bitter users here. I’m aware of my hypocrisy, in fact I embrace it, the admins should embrace their own too 🙂
I’m just gonna sit here and eat popcorn. lol
gosh. hello im miss invisible, nice to meet you.
Anyway, Im out of here.
Enforcement of the rules is discretionary, infractions seem to be handled differently on a case by case basis.
I got pulled over by a traffic cop once for exceeding the speed limit by 30 MPH. We talked for about 45 minutes, (mostly about motorcycles). He was a great guy. The cop told me that he usually made up his mind in the first ten seconds after speaking to a driver if he would issue them a citation or not. Drivers who screamed, yelled, cursed or argued got a ticket. Drivers who were cordial usually got off with a warning. The cop told me he hated seeing women cry. (Half of them got tickets). He didn’t show mercy to large breasted women who constantly leaned forward or sideways to give him a better view. Hehe.
I learned a lot that day. Attitude is everything, and not everyone gets the same treatment. Often you get treated the same way you treat others. Not always, but usually.
By the way, he let me go with a warning.
@WW: I agree totally dude…. but c’mon have you ever witnessed me screaming or yelling in a hostile manner… you can’t actually hear me but you’ve never seen me go “WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME REALLY SERIOUSLY!?!? YOU DUMB MOTHER@#$*%#” ….lol….I never have outburst like that anymore….I’ve mastered my emotional display a long time ago…. I can be smiling in your face acting like we are cool as can be as calm and peaceful as the eye of a hurricane but in my head I’m picturing how easily I could covertly murder you and never get caught lol…..
I hear what you’re saying.
It’s very easy to have your words misunderstood, or have intentions misinterpreted. Online your audience cannot see facial expressions or hear tonal inflections. In real life you could tell a friend to go fuck off. If you smile when you say it, your friend will probably know that you’re kidding. You’re not truly angry.
Communicating through writing is different though. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve witnessed angry, emotional outbursts from people reacting to a perceived insult.
Or maybe I misinterpreted their hostility? Hehe.
My point is there’s no telling how someone else will interpret a comment that was meant to be funny, sarcastic, helpful or other.
Haha ok perhaps the admin is someone you proved wrong so conclusively that they will forever be reminded how much better u are and they hate being inferior, better? 😛 And lmao at ur last comment, fir some reason i find it incredibly funny
I just wanted to pop in here and make a cameo appearance.
Okay, now I have some cats to herd.
“It’s very easy to have your words misunderstood, or have intentions misinterpreted.”
…was that my cue?
OT: most forum-type settings don’t allow public discussion of moderation at all. ^^
WIF pass me some popcorn will you, this is fun!
I agree admin….no ill feelings here….I just ask you enforce them evenly when you can that’s all…. and I’d like to apologize again for the immaturity of Paddington. I didn’t expect him to come here and do all the extra crap. I’m not a drama starter and I hate being apart of it.
FACEPALM!!!! donnie you fooled me!!! lmao good one though… I forgot your avatar for a sec….