Its been a really long time since I posted here. I thought, maybe I was getting better or stronger, but I was kidding myself, pretending to be happy in case the semblance eventually turned into something real. I try to be rational and tell myself I am not worthless, I am not ugly, I am not stupid, and I actually believe myself for a fraction of time. Then I go outside and try to interact with people and am reminded of how I have nothing to offer anyone. What am I missing that makes someone appealing to another human being? How did I get to be 27 years old and never been kissed? Its gets more and more difficult to pretend that it isn’t something to do with me, the way I look or the way I behave. There is something fundamentally unloveable about me and I am exhausted from trying to figure it out. If I knew what it was that made me so unattractive I would change it, in a heartbeat, if it meant never having to feel so unworthy and so wrong again. I am going to die alone and I am so sick of everyone telling me to keep waiting, that it will certainly happen for me. It won’t and I am finished waiting.
If you are interested, there are some good videos on Youtube of how to “start a relationship”.
Of course I can tell you where to get a good fuck if you want for free, all you have to do is find my wife.
And yes, I’m serious.
Sorry to hear about your wife, but I am woman, can’t say I am terribly interested in fucking her. And its not that I am incapable of starting a relationship, it is that literally no one wants to be in one with me, or even go so far as date me.
I share your thoughts, I am almost certain I’ll die alone and you know what? I’m actually okay with it. This waiting game, I absolutely hate it with a passion. “Oh, you know, the right girl will come!” and shit like that. Uh, hello? I’ve been in how many failed relationships and been unattached for four years on the trot, do you seriously think I’m going to wait around???
It’s definitely not too late for you, good things do take time and I imagine that the wait will be worth it. I’d like to say it was for me, but “wild horses, untamed passions” and all that jazz…
Don’t give up just yet, okay 🙂
I have never even held someone’s hand. I am fucking 27 and never had a single male interested in getting to know me. I am slab of dog meat that no one wants to touch, please don’t fucking tell me not to give up. Did I not make it clear I am sick of hearing that shit?
“Oh, you know, the right girl will come!†and shit like that. Uh, hello? I’ve been in how many failed relationships and been unattached for four years on the trot, do you seriously think I’m going to wait around???
<———–better than living a lie for 17 years, which is what I did, a total lie. I knew a lotm but just some days ago got the "meat" of it, as bad as can be.
Yet now i have a loving girlfriend.
God provides.
I didnt even begin to want to date until I was 26.
Before that, my buisness was my life.
There is someone for everyone, maybe you havent found them yet because of something you might be doing?
Not trying to be mean, just trying to ID the problem.
Any ideas as to why you are in this position?
omg, please fucking read what I wrote before trying to help, because actually everything you’ve said fucking sucks. Lets see, if I knew the problem, I wouldn’t have written that I wish I knew what the issue was. Congrats on your awesome loving girlfriend, the fact that you didn’t want to date until you were 26 and being into you career. you just made me feel loads better.
im sorry. I thought you were a guy. lol
My apologies, sincerely.
*puts glasses on*
Ah, shit. My apologies to you. Hmm, I’d say have a look at personal circumstances (in your regards) but I haven’t really come across this much. I knew someone who was 25 before he even dared to touch a woman, I forgot to ask what exactly it was that got him to that point, but it is possible.
drop me an email…..
perhaps I can help you with some things….
FLwaterguy99 (at) gmail (dot) com
My apologies, I actually didnt read what you wrote beforehand.
Drop me an email, we can sort it out there 🙂
Thanks but I have an inkling you’re going to be the opposite of helpful.
You sound like me. I’m only one year behind, but no doubt I’ll be there without ever touching a member of the opposite sex. I am true poison. I don’t get it either… it requires confidence, they say, assurance in your own position and life. Can’t expect anyone else to love you if you don’t love yourself, blah blah. Whatever. I’ll just accept the truth that I’m destined to be alone. I’ve got nothing to offer to be appealing to another human being.
Everything is one big game of pretend, one big play. Meh. Life is hopeless, but I guess having someone to share it with would mean not having to be hopeless alone.
I have seen how you spit at God on here.
No respectable woman will ever want to be with you as long as you hold that position.
Whats happening? no one is spitting on God, and how YOU and God even begin to equate I cannot even contemplate for fear of blaspheming. And my goodness, I AM a woman.
As if any respectable woman would want an ignorant, Bible thumping idiot misogynist like MrBaDGUY?
Hahahaha. The irony, the hypocrisy….priceless.
That comment wasnt for you, it was for “tongue”.
I’m starting to believe that some people are just cursed when it comes to this aspect of life. Maybe born under the wrong stars or something D;. I have the same issue as you, which is also the reason why I am on this site. Though I’m “only” 23 (23 and not kissed, woo!). Perhaps I’m just so repulsive or something, or too weird, but even then you’d expect to be kissed at least once at some point lol. And I don’t even think I’m so ugly or somehow physically inferior, soo…
(Gosh I do hope no person I know can link this to me, would be so embarrasing if they knew :p)
I already have one.
She isnt from SP.
But, once again, thanks for caring 🙂
well, why dont we just turn SP into a dating site?
who knows…… maybe even an SP wedding one day.
I doubt this will make you feel any better, but I can report that I’m 29 and have never kissed a girl.
For that and numerous other (arguably more significant) reasons it’s unlikely that I’ll reach the age of 30.