I’m a human . No other specifications needed . But I’m a bit different , then again I’m not. I’m classified as well, bipolar, suicidal and I tend to have hallucinated like things which im not sure if it’s the isolation. Any who , I just wanna know how you guys do it . How you “power through” for so long . It’s really amazing , I know a lot of my friends with similar issues but . Is it really just switching off the sadness because I never quite understood that . And I don’t tell people my problems right now my best friend has it ten times worse he spent a while on a mental Institution and Im focus on that he has major insecurities and his families a mess plus I think there’s some serious disorders down there he’s really open to me with almost all thigs but since te Mental Hosp. He hasn’t spoken to me , and I’ve been alone and people notice that they shake me around and trip me and the wrestlers of our school specially like to demonstrate they’re skills… Usually all the nice things that people do end up being a cruel prank to get me sick or Cush my feelings I miss my best friend and I had a really close friend apart from him who was always there and would protect me and keep me happy and away from my problems is fading too . He was my only short communication outlet that wasn’t negative . And everytime were with this other girl that really hates me and doesn’t care to hide it he’s been turning his back on me, but then other times he joking around and keeps bad things from happening . I get every second I can to talk to him because I don’t reall talk to anyone besides him I live with my aunt only and there’s not much to do to keep me away from
Negativity and I ponder of the worst always I just wanna know how to help my Mental Hosp. Friend and keep my guide (other friend). Around . That lily be enough distraction away from the worst I believe .