There’s been times in my life when change rattled me so bad, that I stayed up at night pondering the endless outcomes that could take place.
Then the flip side was seeking change so I could continue on without going mad.
Looking back, I don’t enjoy the contridictions that have taken place…..and honestly, neither change or no change sounds good right now.
Perfect time to go
Try to think less BloodPressure! Seriously, no good can come from overthinking things too much, plus it puts additional stress and strain on the brain.
Email me anytime
Sometimes change is a good thing, sometimes it’s bad, ik.
But it’s a part of life, and ik it sucks but your strong and who says u can’t be happy…
I have major depressive disorder and anxiety disorder and very screwed up.
U just need someone to talk to, and if u need anyone u can talk to me, i have no friends
Stay strong , u can do it
I can confirm that. Unfortunately the only way to avoid my stress makers is to leave them behind. It’s been a long time coming.
Does it always have to be so black and white??
Stress triggers can be avoided and stress can be reduced. The brain is an organ, albeit different than others – it does have some repair capabilities. It needs support though – sufficient sleep, good nutrition, and less stress. Not just meds.
The human body is a product of million years of evolution. I truly believe it has more healing potential then we give it credit for.
Oh Jessica, this has been thoughtout for quite sometime….. the back and forth shifts, and terrible low depression drives my decision forward.
You’re right gillian
Currently my diet is blah, I sleep more than needed and plenty of financial/personal stessors that are making my brain ready to quit.
I know the fixes(or the points to improve my mood) but I’m content with spiraling into the end.
Well, make a decision not to be content, and stick with it!
You know it’s a matter of choice, and that you can do it. You’ve done it before. Don’t fall for this indulgence, its ‘bittersweetness’ is poison underneath.
You surely know well by now that to feel better you need your brain to heal. So I say, try to improve your diet (contrary to popular belief, veggies are cheaper than junk food), exercise at least a little bit, and show the middle finger to all the stressors.
Plans are to endure the poison and reap the reward of the end!
I know you mean well gillian, but I’ve reached a point that has changed so many things. It’s a long story and not one that deserves to be any longer.
“It could always be worse!” isn’t something I want to hang my hat on for the rest of my days.
Hi Basil Alfredo,
Things getting worse have nothing to do with it. It’s bound to get worse (and worse) at some point.. if we get there. Old age spares no one, and it’s never pretty.
But to that I say – oh I wish I grow up to be an old woman. You know, like in that commercial.
If you manage to put a dam to your depression problem, the journey changes drastically. Quality of life changes. Things are no longer black.. and you genuinely enjoy them, just like you did when you were a little kid. The problems are still there but they are more the salt along the way, and the stuff that keeps you occupied.
And it’s just.. worth it. Sometimes even the funniest little things make you feel great. That’s worth experiencing, and it’s not beyond your reach.