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where can I go where there is nowhere to go to who can I talk to who isn’t already playing what can I do when they have everything laid out and planned for me already wtf can i get my shock now can I get my whatever the hell they gone give me now I don’t care anymore commit me, kill me, anything is better than submitting. I don’t believe andi don’t have to I lost enough of my soul and I don’t care who don’t believe me: who I am, what I am supposed to be idont care who believes me or not I don’t care I quit! I fucking quit and I hope some of them are reading this fucking post I fucking quit and you caint make me fuccking comeback so fucking do it already. I hate the damn illuminati!!!!
Shadow governments, false flag operations, foreign insurrections, suppression of technology, data mining and all that shit – that’s what scares me most. To think that at the flick of a switch; everyone who has amassed a fortune and stored it electronically would lose it all. If they have no tangible monetary funds/assets, they’re fucked. The wars in the Middle East are nothing more than aggressive Western Imperialism, the trouble in Eastern Europe having been an obvious insurrection caused by angry commies who are still teary eyed from the fall of the Soviet Union. Nothing in this world is true, unless you fool yourself into thinking it so.
Sad thing is, sheeple these days will believe anything.
Fight the power, friend. I’ll see you on the streets once the grid goes down, I’m severely lacking on my peeled scalps quota. Lol.
well shep praise God for me I got a kill switch in my head and I was born into it also and is dying for it cause I am a sacrificial lamb. do you know what it is like being chosen picked from birth to die I made it pst thirty but when is my real birth day? no body cares I know so much about shit I could trigger national security, my writings are true. they are real shit and I got so much more I purposely write and go outside and see who the fuck is going to blow my head off I sit outside all thru the night and see the cops fly over my house continuously I got court cases and so much more shit on me. im surprised aint nobody on here reported me yet its all apart of it im playing the fickin sarah conner chrnoicles in real life! and I’m tryin to have friends lol aint that some shit. I don’t controlmy day but I be rebellious as hell cause I don’t wanna play. if you only really knew but you already know every official is bought so there is no help. they program themselves to be anti but really its just reversed polarity. do you really know what that is? they cause shit to collide and when one is out of whack everything else is too so whatever is broken has got to go and ive been broken since 98. imgoing back outside and im going to wasit again and again I know its coming cause im connected to the system and im broken that’s fucked up aint it LOL!!! I wont be mad if you report me you wont here about it anyway. BYE BYE ALICE
We have these radios in the army – the AN/PRC 15X series used primarily on deployments. They operate in the lowest band of frequencies (shortwave) and can pick up all sorts of freaky-deak broadcasts from worldwide and even from the past. A communique was intercepted once, where what sounded like a series of numbers was being broadcast followed by loud sine tones of various pitches and spoken word of a Slavic dialect. Turns out, it was a numbers station relay from around the time the Soviet Union collapsed (1991) possibly informing their sleeper agents of the impending collapse.
I’ve picked up other broadcasts as well, but lack the equipment necessary to do so now. But yeah, I get what you mean about the system wanting to subverse the course of everyday life. Perhaps I should have joined military intelligence so I’d have a fewer idea what they’re really up to.
Hint: They do not have your best interests in mind.
total ikr, they don’t ima military brat myself, i hear every frequency in my house lights, cellphones being on, printer being on, everything with a frequency so i am like a radio myself. you know some things you can order legally out of the country to tune in is pretty cheap outside the u.s. hint. xbox 1 is 99 bucks. Samsung galaxy 5 is 75 bucks. check around you might find something of your own to use. find the out of beat channels on the cb too make a block or two and see if yoru radio fries and if so cross reference it or if you really wanna know i could tell you
Closed broadcasts can’t be dialled in to the lower frequency spectrum, I’d have better luck with a jury rigged AM radio. Building a transceiver would be daunting without the proper tools/kit. Might have to go ‘acquire’ a 119F from the local TF unit. Xbone is a steaming piece of shit, smartphones work on the 850 – 1900 Mhz freq set, so that’s a no show too. All shortwave transmissions (read: the real juicy stuff) runs from 0.1 – 87.975 Mhz. Your average radio/cellphone/Xbone will not receive anything from that freq range, as it is much too low powered and they wouldn’t have the receivers for it anyway.
the “maker” movement has revealed all sorts of useful modifications to add or “improve” functionality of various easily obtainable devices.
Xbone is basically just a limited windows 8 PC.
People can make receivers and antennae.
Start googling stuff like “make my own [___]”