Seriously, only one single time, for Gods sake. I fucked up so much, I made way too many mistakes and I was too chicken to do things I should have done. I had enough chances to change something in my life and I took none. Not a single fucking chance. I guess I deserve to be here after all.
This is your next chance; you’re in it, right now.
“Right Now” is your “next chance.”
Each next moment, along the fluid progression of phase space, through time, aka “right now,” is your perpetually available chance to do the best thing in that moment. The idea is to start from where you are, and string a bunch of ‘best-things’ together. You can think of it as: “do the right thing right now.” Hopefully, by staying as close as possible as often as possible, to the right thing right now, you’ll be able to get closer and closer, until you can willfully and perpetually sustain “right thing right now,” indefinitely. If all the right things happen in all the right-nows, this should result in an overall satisfactory living experience.
Start figuring out exactly what you need to do, and when you figure it out, do it, right then, and keep doing it, until you get the result you want, or figure out that your methods/capacities won’t produce that result… then try something else, based on your most realistic and honest assessment of “what went wrong.” Sometimes it’s best if “what went wrong” is simply that you did the wrong thing; you can fix that, sort of, by not doing that wrong thing “next time.” Figure out the right thing, or a significantly better thing, and habituate that. If that still isn’t sufficient in whatever scenario, figure out what can be changed, versus what is required to make it better.
Your 2nd and 4th sentences are familiar thoughts, to me… but at some point i realized that most of the “chances” i used to perceive, were merely illusions i had created through my own interpretation filters; i had far fewer actual chances, and made far fewer actual mistakes, than i had imagined.
After that, i started seeing things differently. There’s a whole lot of stuff beyond my control, only some of which could ever be directly influenced. I can’t blame myself for anything i can’t control, because i appreciate the value and relevance of control, and would certainly control everything the right way, if i could. But there’s a whole lot of… organic stuff, organic situations… things you just can’t really overcome the complexity of chaos factors, to accurately predict or capitalize or avoid, or even mitigate.
You can only account for what you can do… which can sometimes include widespread and extended impacts and influence upon affected environments.
So, “save” right now, and “reload” from this perspective, every time you lose balance. Cultivate and refine your ability and capacity to do the right thing right now; habituate that, make it the foundation, stabilize it, reinforce it, and you should be able to build a stable, sturdy, adaptable framework, upon which almost anything you want, can be built.
Why build what you can’t protect? So make yourself able to protect the personal and internal changes you want to make in yourself. Once you get yourself set up just how you want, you can even extend your foundation to include it. You could build a sprawling fortress of yourself, with whatever specialized departments you find worthwhile; kinda like how a whole game would play out, if you watched all the saved and reloaded, perfectly executed checkpoints, back to back, without all the unsuccessful retries.
If such a thing were possible, I’m guessing we’d rely on cloud storage (since our omnipresent alien overlords wouldn’t want us editing our saves with God mode, infinite gold, every quest item etc so easily/at all) and in my experience they’re not that reliable. I’ve lost at least three high level characters (at the time) in doing so and encountered many corrupted save files through no fault of my own.
lol “God Is The Cloud.”
[insert multiple Orwellian references]