I want to go home. I don’t understand anymore. My life is full of happiness and love, I have everything I could ever want, I like who I am. I am strong in my religion, I have lots of friends and lots of people that love me. Why am I considering suicide? I’m on medication and I go to therapy. Why am I still anxious and depressed? I’m so scared. I don’t remember how to be happy. The thought of killing myself scares me, why am I still tempted? I wish I knew how to fix this. Right now, it seems killing myself is the only way to escape. I just don’t care anymore.
then just go home
If nothing caused this, it will get better. You will get better. Everything will be fine. Everything will matter.
the 1st half of your post contains contradictions to the 2nd half. what measurable changes do you want?
Maybe she mans that people think she should be happy because she has everything, but she is not really happy?
PS: Why can’t we edit comments to threads started by others?
the surface and what lies beneath the surface? maybe, TormentedSoul.