I could seriously just end my life, just like that. Nothing’s stopping me, not even the words of my ”friends &family”. All I see is pain. Give me a break you deluded, sellf-servant prick. If you really believe in the words that you preach, get off your screens and onto the streets! Ahhh Bring Me The Horizon always has the right words… Yet people succeed flawlessly into ignoring people who have the right words. They don’t care about nothing but money anymore and it saddens me, even scares me. This world is a waste, humans have destroyed it, well most of it. There are still bright things down here, but I think I’d be more useful to this earth underneath soil, rather than on it, polluting as well. (Because we have no choice in our society) I’d do it for nature. I’d do it for myself. And these are the only two things that matter to me now. If none of them are happy, why still exist? We’ll all return as stardust anyways.
1 comment
I know theres something that is telling you you cant do it… not because you cant (because everyone can).. because theres something telling yiu that there is hope and something that worth it