Simply put, I think it’s all crap. Not the things, good and bad, that have happened in my life thus far. Heavens no, that won’t do at all. What’s crap is that people sincerely believe that I should be “happy” that I’m alive. I was given a life (that I never asked for, by the way), and I now it’s apparently mandatory for me to be thankful for that fact. I’m not here to blame my parents for being arrogant pricks and assuming that the child they created would be happy with this “gift of life” that he never asked to receive. Blaming others for my state of mind isn’t what I do.
With that viewpoint, why should I care about anything? It all comes down to a pointless, self-perpetuating cycle. We are all born. We grow up, do the school thing, work, (most of us) get married, most of those who get married have kids who then begin their own version of the game. But what’s the point? My job, ultimately, isn’t going to amount to anything. The things I have and do, ultimately, aren’t going to amount to anything. Even a family, should I ever get married and have kids, does nothing more than continue the game. How arrogant it would be of me to assume that my progeny would be thankful to me for forcing life on them.
Yeah, they say the same to me ALL the time. I know how annoying it is. I feel like they are throwing a dog bowl to me and tell me to eat and keep going (and be grateful of course). But… you can find something you really like in life, not what THEY tell you you should be grateful for, I mean your own meaning.
Yeah, I get that. If you’ve never read “The Myth of Sisyphus,” that’s what Albert Camus (the author) discusses. Faced with the Absurd (man’s futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the universe), we have three choices. The one he chooses is just what you said: instead of suicide, realization of the absurdity of existence should cause us to “revolt” and search for our own meaning. If you have read it, my apologies for repeating what you already know.
After the first quarter century of life, I can say I haven’t found this meaning yet. I’ll keep searching, sure, but at what point do we throw up our hands and abandon the search?
Ive had the exact same thoughts. I think they just say that we have to thankful cause the opposite, none of it matters, would mean that they’d have to have a deeper discussion. Also it goes against society. Society would crumble if there were more people that questioned everything, did’t follow the phases. In the end is about controlling people. Just my crazy idea. lol
Life isnt always good so you dont always have to be happy about it. thats my take on that.