Why don’t people want me to just end it. They call me selfish (and there right) or cry, when I think suicidally, or act on those thoughts, but why am I wanted hear on the first place I make all of there lives harder, all I do is hold people back, according to my beliefs, after death there is less than nothing your dead, there is no mire contious you, no heaven, no hell, just gone. And, that seems like an escape to me, everyone always says death is painfull, and I’m shure it is, when I almoast diced from ODing on PAIN MEDS of all things, it was one of the more painfull things I have ever done,and believe me I do quite a bit of shit. … I don’t know, I mean, maby, I will finally truely feel something again, I have been 100% numb for the past wile, I have cut the deepest I have ever gone without truely feeling anything. Passing out because of blood loss when no one else is home. Maby, I am selfish, but no one can be angery at me and have it effect me once I am dead. … Of course, the word dead kinda says “pain” really I look it as truly gone, for good, not asleep, your are no longer there anymore, and I think that’s what I want.
Sorry about putting, suicide note in, like I am putting this in ad my last words but I could’t seem to find like a questioning one,
Also sorry for the spelling.