Life is tough even on our own but I assure you it is much easier solo. How do you please one that cannot be pleased because they secretly yearn for their ex fiancé and children. I did not take them from you, she did. I am only here as a pathetic replacement, I can understand that. I am very aware I do not and can not provide you with the same stability and domestic service. I am a young woman with bipolar and it is hard enough to take care of myself and my house financially let alone you also. I do not have the mental and physical energy to work 12 hr days and keep the house domestically perfect. In fact you should appreciate that I do provide financially because she never did, oh no she was a fat lazy slob but still I cannot compare. You don’t mind talking to her constantly, hiding things from me and nitpicking and degrading me together. How dare you lie on that couch and not say one word to me? How dare you have such fluid conversation with her but not make an effort with me. Do you realise how this makes me feel? Get the fuck out of my house! Go back to her! Leave me to hang because everything is an overbearing and an overwhelming action and I can’t take it.
Kudos to you. As i read your post i was thinking to write the exact same thing that you wrote towards the end. You deserve better, and if you are young you can most certainly do better than being a replacement for someone who doesn’t value you. If he’s so hung up on her ex fiance he should look for her instead of bringing you down.
Oh dear tauruswrangler. He doesn’t sound like good news! I’m bipolar too, a woman, no longer young, I sold myself short for years in a relationship with a guy who was still fixated on his ex-wife. Guess I really didn’t, deep down, think I could do better for myself. Guess who he ended up going back to? Guess who had remained his primary emotional attachment all along? Yeah, I think you can guess. And this was a 12 year relationship that was by far the most important one to me.
Some of us are just unlucky in love…and in life itself. Don’t let that guy string you along while killing every ounce of your self esteem as he does it. Knowledge is power, and you show by this post that you are fully cognizant of the facts and not fooling yourself as I did for so many wasted years.
Sadly that happens more often than it should. Someone close to me did the same several times (and not even for an ex husband, just an ex lover who ditches her whenever he feels like it) and really screwed up some guys in the process. 25 years of the same bs behavior. One of those guys was pretty close to me and a real good person so i confronted her and asked her what drove her to keep doing that. Her answer? “i too deserve to be happy so i give myself the chance”. I couldn’t even begin to articulate an answer.
After that i’ve never been able to look at her with the same eyes, since selfishness is all i see there. And how could you even begin to be happy with someone else if you know deep down inside you are still fixated on someone else? i’d rather stay alone for years (and i’ve have done it when needed) or for good before putting someone else (and myself) through that situation.