Its so hard to understand something you just cant get a grip on.take life for example,it truly is a beautiful thing…but at the same time it can be so….cruel.emotions are a great subject.they make us happy and sad….angry and loving.and yet it is these very same emotions that can do so much damage.let me ask you a question.why?….why is it that we’re given happiness on a silver plater just so it can be ripped away?…why is it that this emotion called happiness is dangled in the face of those who can never have it?.To me the answer is clear…you have to fight….the happiness you may know now could be snatched away one im sure everyone knows.nothing in this world is free.and so we have to fight…we must fight for the things we want…this is the payment for happiness.but theres a problem, not everyone likes to fight. I myself HATE fighting…i hate it just when people fight verbally around me.i grew up around other peoples problems and fights, and so I grew to hate it, when people fight around me it brings back memories that I would rather not remember.BUT….I have to…I have to fight no matter forced to…. no matter how much I may be scared… survive…..I soldier on, we all have to…its part of this ugly yet beautiful world.but not all think like me, indeed there are those who lose their battles and are condemmed to an eternity of pain and sorrow… A bitter end.and so let me ask you another question.What are you fighting for?………
Happiness isn’t something you grasp at. Grasping is actually a sure fire way of losing the moment.
If fighting isn’t in your nature then fighting will not bring moments of happiness.
Get to know your strengths and weakness, the good the bad and the ugly and you may surprise yourself.
But won’t the Happiness be even sweeter if you won the fight?
“Perhaps there’s no such thing known as Happiness, but only living in the moment as best as you can.”
Fighting to stay alive mostly.
I sense a lot of strength in you.