Hi, im Bunny and i like to meet new people, would you guys be my friends? ah, nice to know.
Well, about me? I like to act, to sing, i love going to the gym ! Friends? I dont know… looks like im a popular boy, everyone wants to go bed with me… ops, bed? i meant everyone cares for me. Oh quite the hypocrisy, no one cares to anyone, they just wanna bed you, you’re a mere toll, was I? Oh yeah… rape me please, as you do again and again.
Oh Isaque, your skin seems so pretty, can I touch it? Sure you can milady.
Which moisturizer do you use? None at all, its just the punching that the kids did to me when i was a kid.
You have a incredible voice, so cute but i must say… its fagot like, im sorry 🙁
Thank you milady, its like a shemale? Oh… stop, silly , you love it.
you love to be a deceiver
your jelousy is the poison that makes my hear beat
Once society made me cry, and now they wanna rape me.
They raped me, emotionally, physically, they promised me love, just to make me cum
they shalowed it, they kissed me, they loved me,
Once again, i was a toy, once again my daddy beated me, once again gullaume beated me again
sleeping again
dreaming forever, forever and ever
touch me… its so easy to leave me…. a singer said
But when you make me feelpleasure, you make me feel loved, when you make me feel pleasure you make me wanna live
But scarlet is the colour of my shirt right now, save me before its too late
All i did was to believe in you…. but i shouldnt, you killed me….
I loved you, im sory to my friends, and i know you guys will read this, but i tried to tell you all, i loved you all, it takes courage to take your own life away
As a child i called god name, everyday, but they hurted me, they punched me, they stole my lunch,
As a teenager i didnt call god name, they wanted me, they loved me, they envied me, they wanted me naked, they raped me they played with my
They made drawings about me, they made songs,
Now i’m a complete Art, a barroque boy painted in red. red of my tears.
red of my lips
donnie is that you?
you okay, dude?
ello mate, give me about an hour to decipher what yo are trying to say, like really where did spell checker go?
wow rude, bro^^
you mad bro?
come at me
you forgot brah
i don’t speak white boy
i dont speak menstrual cycle
i don’t speak ‘misogynist’
well i dont speak feminazi, so we seem to be at an impass
I’ll teach ya “I’m a retard” is how you introduce yourself, you first
Oh no, there is no need for you to do introductions this late in the conversation, anyone who has read any of your comments on any number of posts here can get the idea that you’re retarded 😉
Mr spell checker, you spelled “impasse” wrong….
i bet you thought i would take your “come at me” comment sexually didnt you 😉
im not retarded, i’m special, my mom said so
was that after your third of fourth out burst in public, which went something like this “aughhh urrrrgggg, i stuck my finger up my butt 😀
you’re so weird lol jk
you cant argue with facts though, shes told me the stories.
the OP said something about being popular, you should go get tips from him
Hmm, i would suggest that is popularity came from his lack of legibility , being unintelligent seems to be the social norm these days. ill have to decline
woah there, i kinda understood him the way i understood the bible: i didn’t
you and nikki minaj have a lot in common, listening to either one of you for longer than two seconds makes me want to abandon society, adopt a pet rock, where a tin foil hat, rub peanut butter on my genitals and worship a fire breathing orangutan. call lord fire ape. long story short, you all lower my intelligence immensely
i adopted a pet rock to hurl at my TV before the end of football season 🙁
so you are one of those neanderthals that watch football? thats so sad i bet your also a republican
no, i’m a pats fan which is just as sad as of now
aww 🙁 do you want me to hold your hand as we watch the vow and eat icecream and skittles you big cry baby
no, but you can hold my dunce cap until I need it next sunday 😀
i think you will need it long before sunday
i think you need your ‘chill-yo-sass’ pill before sunday
not as much as you need your midol and ‘calm-yo-tits’ injection
I’m about to get my ‘shut the fuck up’ pills and shove them up your ass jk
thats convenient because i have something that can go up your ass too ;;)
if it’s your personality, you can shove it up yours instead 😉
No, thats not qite what i was implying, and why on earth would i bless you with something so glorious as my own personality?
well, if you want I can put your ego in the trash next to where my hopes for going to the Super Bowl went
that is not one of my wishes, but while you are at it you can add your hopes and dreams to that pile :O
it’s already there, buddy, it’s already there
i was just kidding beautiful, you have a long and prosperous life ahead of you, unlike the patriots
thanks, girl :*
Nothing like SP entertainment. 🙂