I have so many things to do this week and I’m having trouble bringing myself to do them. I’m just focusing on how shitty I’ve been feeling these past few days. How do I snap out of it? I thought I was feeling better yesterday or at least beginning to feel better but I guess I wasn’t because now it’s coming all back. I can’t afford to feel this way right now. I feel like most of the time I try to suppress how I feel because I always have something to do. Something is always due, and I always have some sort of exam or quiz coming up…. the stress is building up and the worst part about it is that I don’t know how to find the time to actually get help when I know dam well that I should. I feel like if I were to just take a break from everything I would be letting myself down and everyone who expects me to succeed because then that would mean I would have to pause my academic career in order to take care of my mental issues. I just want to get over this feeling already.
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