dear sp, just a warning. their is a troll on the loose. this one is really nasty. she was using the tag HAYTRED, but is now using GOD. do not bite her hooks. do not read her words, do not take her advice. she has nothing to offer. like all of us, i desire to find that peace, that one thing that will let us enjoy living. myth, maybe. her desire is death, destruction and misery. dont know about all of you, but ive had more than enough of that shit. so avoid her. good luck, peace to ya and keep trying.
This person has been banned and all of their contributions to the site have been removed.
Thank you very much.
thank you
Yup sometimes trolls pop up on frums and they only want to cause probelems
I wish people like that would GROW UP and learn to be ne to others.
like the old saying if you dont have anything nice to say to somebody dont say anything at all.
They really do get everywhere don’t they?