hi.. I’m 17.. I won’t say I hate my life, it’s a good life, it’s honestly a gifted one.. But, for some reason.. I just feel so… I don’t know. I know no one really reads this stuff, who would right? Ha, sometimes I just wish people could see me and not stories or rumours.. Maybe than I could be free. But this isn’t about regular drama, it’s about me.. I’ll give this site a few days maybe months.. Who knows, maybe people will like me? Haha.. I dont really know what to talk about.. I know I’m young and should be thankful for my life, but I can’t help how I feel.. Or see.. Therapists and physiologists don’t help me.. Maybe random people can?.. I’m a lost lamb and I feel I have no one to be led by, than again who needs a rope tied to your neck for the rest of your life?.. Not me.. I just want to be Me again.
Hi FamiliarSmile, welcome to sp and sorry you feel you need to be here. And actually ya know what? People (amazingly) do read this stuff…
Hey there
I personally go to this site whenever I’m feeling down and it helps me quite a bit. I hope it can help you too, we’re all here for you.
Sounds like depression. If it isn’t depression due to your conditions in life, then its chemical and/or hormonal. Remember that at your age the hormonal changes in your body can make you depressed for no apparent reason. Its stupid, I know. *rolls eyes*
P.S. Guys typically do wear a noose every day if they’ve got a good job. Its called a tie for some odd reason though. lol
I hope you will find support here. It really helps to know one is not alone (well it helps me)