I will be killing myself. This is not a debate and I am certainly not interested in hotlines or psychiatrists. I came to this site for advice on how to go about this. I know how the act will be done, that is set in stone. My concern is over suicide notes, I am choosing to end my life for my own reasons. I am aware I am well loved and I love all of those people back, but this decision was made for me. Therefore I feel the urge to leave a suicide note. I do not know what to include in this note to help reassure my loved ones that though I have ended my life it is because of nothing they have done. Some will say that I should take their feelings into account, and believe me I have. But life is singular and at all times we are alone so I made the choice that would best suit me. Most of my concern lies with my boyfriend, I love him more than anything and he does me. This darkness writhing me only dull the glorious light within him. He will no doubt blame himself, but this is not his fault. I need to leave some type of reassurance behind for him. Please only serious replies.
I have written letters to everyone that will be affected by my death. Some of them are short (one page) some of them are long. The letter to my ex-fiancée is seven pages long.
Just write from the heart. There are no guidelines here. Just say what’s on your mind. If you succeed in your attempt, this will be your last chance to communicate with your loved ones.
Make it count.
Thanks. I think I’ll typing a basic note and mailing it out, for those more important to me I will be including something handwritten. But when I get to his note I draw a blank, I’ll afraid that even letting him know everything could make him spiral after I am gone.
Please tell me your okay. I am praying for you :((
I think on a basic level, many here feel like someone fails to understand them. All I can offer is a version of what worthless_loser said, write from the heart. It doesn’t matter if he understands it today or tomorrow. That is not your immediate aim, write something that he or anyone else could understand in 10 years. If you want candid advice, post a draft here or email me (stoicde @gmail.com) I won’t pull punches. Write to a smart audience, don’t dumb it down. Put down whatever words or thoughts you have in your mind. Don’t worry about grammar or understanding. This is your last chance to be yourself– If you care about that. In my opinion, expressing how you feel and the person you are is the last best thing you could do. Maybe those you love will learn from it.
You are worried about him spiraling out of control? Some type of reassurance? It is hard to say without knowing him or without more detail. But very general advice would be to say it has nothing to do with him. I am sorry, I know you can find another. This has nothing to do with you. Find someone who paints that smile I love on your face everyday. I never blamed you. I was never disappointed. Or something along those lines.
You have a choice, either the truth, or to try to bestow some kind of “betterness” with your note. If you are lucky, those two will align. Not everybody is.
The note thing is tough, don’t want to write a personal one to anyone but before I go, will make sure they know in love them. And after explain in the note why I did it. The darkness.. And pain were too much
Simply put. That’s the best I would think. I’d say try to talk logically with little emotion because possibly I’m not sure but writing a huge emotional note could cause pain to the ones you leave behind. Suicide isn’t about causing more pain which if that’s why you’re doing it than your doing it for the wrong reason. It’s about having nothing left your final option. Just express your gratitude for people that were there for you if there was any and apologize for the choice but that you felt it was right.
I feel the same. I cried the whole time I read yoir post. My fear is that my boyfriend will blame himself.
Hey EC, all great advice here. I’ll add, maybe you can start with an outline especially since it seems like you are a methodical person (at least that’s the vibe I get from reading your post).
If it were me, the outline would be something like:
I. Stress that it’s your decision and nobody (least of all him) forced you into it.
II. Offer him reassurance, ways to cope, things for him to look forward to.
III. If you feel like it, explain why you did it. This might be tough, but maybe it’ll help him realize it wasn’t his fault.
Those are the main points I would hit. The rest, as WL and Ceph said, will come naturally from the heart.
If you don’t mind a little tangent, may I ask why your boyfriend isn’t able to save you? The reason I’m asking is because it sounds like you have a strong love for each other, and doesn’t everyone always like to believe “love conquers all”? I sure would.
I told my gf my two plans of how i wanted to do it. She picked the one with a hope id return. Hurt less she said. She couldnt bare if i was really gone for good. Then i thought about all those i help from time to time. I thought about what would happen to them. So im gonna be an ass this time. You kill everyone you leave behind. Every friend and family member. Yep you take them with you. Some takes years to get over some never do. And it depends on who finds your dead body dont forget that. They wont forget it either. Dont forget about the cost to burn or bury your ass either. And dont think they wont miss every little stupid thing you do. Because they will. And remember to add how to stop the nightmares of your death also. And remember to add how much there love wasnt enough to save you. They will say that when your gone. Dont forget to assure them nothing could have been done either. They will make up ways they could have. Then after you write all these letters read them face to face to the people. Remember it might be you who is saving anothers life from doing the same. But you dont care do you? Letter no letter you kill them either way. Yeah comment on me. I dont care anymore i cryed writing this.
I wrote and re-wrote, realizing the difficulty came in me trying to explain what I was feeling and why it didn’t work (the square peg) to people who had no concept of why anyone could think or feel such a thing (round hole).
The truth is, death is not an abomination. It’s an absolute certainty for everyone. It takes courage to live and courage to die.
I finalized my note (s) by explaining that life just isnt for everyone, especially me, and this is my resolve. I included that I am of sound mind and looking forward to what I believe is waiting for me on the other side… home. That’s where I came from, I miss it and I’m ready to go back. To those I love dearly, I will miss while you’re here, but will catch up with you when you get home too, just like old times.
Best of luck.
My dad comitted suicide and left a note, to me. In part blaming me for the decision he was making and that he took. That note has haunted me for the rest of my life. I have thought about suicide many times, with no luck on doing it, and in between living and dying, I blame that note for my lacking will to live.
Be careful what you write, It affects the people you love in ways you may not know
Write a list of everything you loved together with your boyfriend, write down your favorite foods and your favorite movie and your favorite song. Write down what you had for breakfast. Write down what you’re going to miss the most.
Write down why you’re doing it and what would have to change to stay. Write down how you would change it.
Write down your favorite people and why you love them.
Don’t do it, write back please <3
Are you still here?
Wait allways here
I got issues
jman why you here suicidal or some thing
Of course I’m suicidal. That’s the main reason people come to this group, right? lol I tried to kill myself a couple of times and the main reason I found this group is because I failed and I was googling some other ways to kill myself and someone’s post in here popped up. I read the post. Then I went to the main page and the rest is history lol I’m actually not sad when I think about killing myself. It seems to be the only thing that makes me happy. The moments I think everything is going to be over soon are the only moments of happiness I have. I would go on but it’s really a long story. Why are you here?
Sorry not sure what to say to anybody just if youcan work it out do it
Cause I AM
I ugly
I’m here because I can never love and love don’t last people move on I am57 years old and never had a girl friend why cause i’mnot a looker
why is everyboby here dead
no heart beat ok
That’s interesting.
You’re fat, 57, ugly and you cut? That might look bad on a dating profile. I would focus on your positive attributes. Try ” I’m full figured, seasoned, have a unique look and am skilled with cutlery”.
I cut i’m fat guys like botty
i’m a freak and
suicide project is a ghost town on one here
that’s good thing
I’m scred of being in my 30’s
wait i’m 40something
age really doesn’t matter on the internet. i don’t care if you’re 5 or 50, i’m not talking to you in real life, so it’s not awkward haha.
Still young but time ok get Zooks
if i’m right you’re 27 or 28 i think.
Haha I had to google his name to catch that one.