I hate my life so much, I’m 14 and I’m gonna turn 15 next week. I’m in foster care and I’m just an absolute waste of space! I can’t do anything right, I’m failing at nearly all my subjects, I keep making my foster carer’s (I’ve been with them for 8 years) upset with me. They call me a liar and it pisses me off so much . I’m fat and ugly and stupid. I feel stupid for writing this I just want to end my life! Right now. I have pills next to me as I type and I really want to take them just so I can leave this world. I’m a mistake and I’m useless. I just don’t want to leave my friends. I’m supposed to be seeing my mum this Sunday. I know she’ll get sad if I kill myself but I’m just fed up of living on this earth! I’ve tried to overdose before but I only took a small amount , so nothing even happened. I’m so stupid I can’t even kill myself properly. Like most I stumbled across this by researching how many I have to take and etc. my foster carer’s have done a lot for me which I’m grateful for but they’re so restricting I hate it. I just don’t know how to live I don’t want to stay anymore. The only thing is, what if I fail again i’ll just be stuck here again.
1 comment
1 comment
You’re obviously not stupid, don’t speak such nonsense. If they call you a liar and you know you’re not, they’re wrong. Only you know what you’re going through. If they don’t understand, that doesn’t make you wrong.
At the very least, don’t try to overdose on pills. It will leave you worse of then you are now. That is a FACT.