The last few years of my life I havent really been able to feel any form of emotion to anything. All I feel is just a numbing kind of sense. I have a loving family, a great group of friends and an amazing girlfriend that I know loves me… But I just can’t seem to feel anything back… Its almost like I’m just watching my life go by with somebody else in control… I want to be able to be loving back to them all but the only thing I ever have on my mind now is death, like I’m just waiting for something to just finally end this pointless cycle… I want to be able to think more positive and be happy… But every time I try I’m just aware I’m faking and I go back to square 1… Ive forgotten what it’s like to be happy and it’s driving me over the edge.
maybe it could be some biochemical neurotransmitters disorder? I dont know, a specialist might know. But it is always a good thing to be depressed and not know why, because that means there isn’t a problem of something that has happened. This is an endogenous depression.
So you have a loving family and a girlfriend who loves you. Look at that, maybe some comparison with my life might help you:
I was born in a no family. My mother was a neurotic hyperthiroid individual who left us little after birth. My father was a sadistic and bitter person. I grew up feeling the slash of the belt of my back. Now he has alzheimer and shits on his pants several times a day.
I have never had a girlfriend in 50 years other than one wannabe trial when I was 27 but that never lead to anything. I have worked 6 years in my life. The rest of it unemployed. I live in a secluded place near the Russian taiga, surrounded by perennial snow and darkness. In two years my money for food will run out, at which time I will simply starve as I wont be able to buy anything in the store. I am also losing hearing towards complete deafness. I dont have medical insurance. So I think your problem is that you can afford to feel like that, as your life is too confortable. Any suggestion about what I should do?
Unemotional people usually starts to be so early in life. You say your condition started just a few years. Maybe you have extreme depression.