New start for me, just finished off the rest of my booze and starting my medication therapy of Effexor tomorrow!!! I know I made a previous thread about this topic but I just wanted to say a few more words. I really hope I succeed this time and don’t relapse and that I react well to the Effexor. Big life changes comin’ up for me, now if I could just have that much needed confidence to face the world without fear I’ll be set. Always a work in progress I suppose. Fuck even my own optimism is annoying me lmao, sorry folks.
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Awesome, I hope you had a nice farewell party to your booze haha. I hope you keep posting updates. And if you start feeling a moment of weakness, just post it here and I’m sure someone will kick your ass back on track. Always inspiring when someone decides to take command of life. Maybe I’ll try it someday.