So just had a huge blow out with my family. My mom fired me from work and I don’t know what to do. I always feel so alone when I’m home. Like I feel kinda invisible. They don’t need me. They have my cousins. They probably wouldn’t even notice if I died. I’m just a bother. A fuck up. They would be better off with out me. Maybe I should end it all. It would make everyone happier. I mean hell all I am is a disappointment.
Hey Unbroken,
Long time no see! 😀
Fuck that. You’re no bother. Maybe this is your chance to branch out… To start living /your/ life. Hey, I mean, it’s yours after all. Make it the one you have always wanted.
In the mean time, keep your stick on the ice!
Hey Cephalus!
I know I haven’t been on in awhile.
How can I branch out? My parents don’t let me do anything.
Try not caring so much about your family thinks. If you are underage, try waiting until you are 18. Then say fuck it and live your life the way you want. Don’t live for your parents, live for yourself.
Additionally, don’t die for your parents either. If you want to kill yourself, do it for reasons that concern you and only you. It is not fair for one’s to take their own life because they are not what their parents want/envisioned.