The title above is a quote by Edgar Allan Poe – one of my favourite writers, and if you haven’t read any of his works yet I highly recommend it!
Ive been reading through his Complete Tales and Poems recently and honestly I’ve never enjoyed myself more. His writing is beautiful, and the words come alive as you read them.
Anyways, the point of this little note is to say that Hell is already in the world in humanity itself. It is a tragic thing but it is logical in the sense that humanity is the worst and best thing to happen in this planet; so corruption and ruin was inevitable.
Not only does this relate to the whole of humanity… But to us. I say ‘us’ in mind if the fact there is a community here, but also in each of us. A constant battle between wanting and defending happiness against the thoughts of depression and negativity. Poe considered himself as ‘devoured’ by demons, as I’m sure most people here – including myself – feel, and so I find his works relatable in the sense that he has written them whilst being in a similar mindset to my own. Drowning. Devoured. Yet there is a small ounce of hope to bounce back from this Hell. A personal one and a global one.
Again this is simply my opinion and interpretation – feel free to argue any points I’ve made or any of your own.
Thanks and contact me if you need someone to talk to or if you just need someone to vent to 🙂
Realy interesting post. i just would liek to contact you about it, but you didn’t leave some contact details;-) so i will leave my amail address:
I’ve my own thoughts and ideas abot hell but like to talk about it and compare my ideas with yours. hope to hear from you.
Best regards, Stefan
I’ve just contacted you via the email address, I look forward to the discussion 🙂
– Keri
That quote and this post grabbed my attention. Maybe i will read some of his stuff sometime.
I don’t know why i write this. Its going to be boring because i am boring and stupid. First off i don’t believe in demons, although people who have claimed to have been mind controlled have talked about such things. And even people who haven’t been.
Maybe we need to fit into society, fit the mould, bind to the social ‘norms’. People are cold, harsh and cruel in my opinion. People are constantly judged. People can not get any peace. There are many terrible things happening and i wont go into it because most of us know. I hate money but i hate what it stands for more. It should only be a means to have enough to live off, if it will be more, than so be it. But don’t be greedy. Not that they will ever understand. Oh and food companies sneakily put ingredients in food labelling them as something else etc.
who would want to fit into a society like this? Well i did read about this small town with no crime and everyone got along, sorry my memory isn’t good, i would have to look it up again…
Everywhere you look, everywhere you go, everywhere you hear… Distractions. May seem innocent, but it may be rewiring your brain. We have smartphones. Who needs a brain? Would be nice to do something for once without getting distracted. I guess we all need to be targeted with distractions. They have probably rewired my brain to some extent. Multitasking? Well try to remember what you just did while you looked at a phone and a TV… Not much hmmm…
many good things have happened, but so have many bad things. Again i am stupid and cant go into much detail its pretty evident that i have a lack of general knowledge.
But what matters is you… How do we get happiness in a society which doesn’t allow it?
How can anyone take time off and relax? Music playing in your head, stuff playing in your head, pictures of things in your head, DISTRACTIONS endless distractions, technology, constant worries, wage slaves, news….
how could it possibly be healthy to worry about 1000000s of things, most of which are irrelevant to life? Do we really need to know most stuff we are told? How does it directly benefit us, to improving ourselves?
ill stop writing before i bore anyone to death.
Ok and i believe society is actually indirectly mind controlling us, even if it sounds fucking stupid….
Wow I loved reading everything you said there. I have little knowledge on the topic as well but it doesn’t mean you can’t have an opinion on it. It doesn’t sound stupid as well; it’s quite a common suggestion about what’s going on in the world.
I also like what you said about distractions; personally I think that’s a major issue especially in the news. They’ll put out ridiculous minor news stories say about the Kardashians or the equivalent , which i think are only put out simply to distract us from what’s really going on in the world at that time, whatever it may be.
I don’t find it boring at all reading what you’ve said. If you’d like to discuss it further or have another chat just say the word and I’ll leave something you can contact me by 🙂
would like to, but is was exhausting just to write all of that. Not one of those people who can just put out the words in a neat and composed way, my writing is a mess. And I get mind blanks sometimes. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time
“People are cold, harsh and cruel in my opinion. People are constantly judged.
People can not get any peace. ”
“How do we get happiness in a society which doesn’t allow it?”
It’s nice to know someone out there has these same thoughts… they are with me constantly. I find I can ignore them with video games or TV or movies, but it’s just escapism and doesn’t last; they’re back quickly. I can’t get any peace from people telling me I should do this or that, or pressuring me to do something. I wish they’d just leave me alone, but we have this world set up so that we are all indoctrinated into the system, pretending we’re “FREE.” The collective delusion is strong, sometimes I wish I could get my delusion back so I can just go about being a robot like everyone else.
But I can’t seem to…
I agree with you, life is hell. I even made a post with that title a while back. Life is all about avoiding suffering, not about obtaining happiness. We are built this way so we don’t do things that would harm our chances of reproduction(which is really why we’re alive, to replicate…). Yet in our mad dash for procreation we have actually caused ourselves more harm, mental illness, despair, depression, anxiety, etc… Because humans are not as smart as we like to believe. We think complexity will solve problems, but it only causes more complex problems that cause more, and more….
And so…
I too have this devoured, drowning feeling. There is this minuscule shred of hope, but I fear we have too many people in the world to have any meaningful change in the masses; and our population is climbing rapidly. Perhaps after the human species sees a massive die-off, due to surpassing carrying capacity of Earth, will they finally learn the hard lesson they need.
But that seems to me, extremely unlikely.
Well great minds think alike I suppose aha… I completely agree with you on that though, it’s like it’s not about living, it’s about dying. We die everyday and there’s nothing we can do about it. I don’t think a die-off will solve anything, in fact I think it would be history repeating itself. The same thing would just happen all over again; where species’ would evolve and become intelligent and become similar if not exact to humans – perhaps smarter because as you say we are not as intelligent as we’d like to believe – and so technology would once again be escapism, not a significant pivot in the lives of the ‘human’ race.