Just found this site and I need to rant. I’m a 19 year old male and I have nothing to live for. My close friends have left the state so I have pretty much no one anymore. I just lost another girl. Another girl who was raped. I’ve only had two girlfriends. The first ones brother raped her and took her virginity and she FORGAVE him. I’ll never understand how victims let that go. My cousin and my mom were also raped, so you could say it’s something I take seriously. I want them dead. But when I tell these girls that, somehow I’m overreacting. So aside from that my dream has always been to join the army as a combat infantryman. But due to recent medical problems I won’t ever be able to do that. So I’m stuck in a town I’ve ALWAYS hated with more and more people who don’t deserve to breathe with a dead end job all while being alone. I’ve held my glock to me head countless times but even fall down drunk I don’t have it in me to do it.
It is amazing how victims of sexual abuse can forgive. Forgiving is hard but holding a grudge against someone hurts more. Being angry at another person damages us even more.
It’s good you take sexual assault seriously. Since you have seen the effects you can be a voice for those who have suffered. You can still dedicate your life to fighting for others in a different way. That fact that you care so much for others is an amazing quality.
I believe that they forgive in order to move on with their lives. That’s it. Sometimes when you can’t do anything to fix the past or fix what’s broken and wrong you only have one option: forgive people and let go. I wish I could do that. I always forgive people, but I can’t forgive my stepfather. Sometimes I don’t wish much… I wish that he had been arrested or that he had paid for the years of suffering that he caused me by rotting in jail. Sometimes I wish that he would die a slow, painful death. Those who forgive just chose a different way to deal with the abuse. I understand what you’re saying though; you seem to be a good person so it’s logical that you want justice. Sometimes justice is impossible though.