it’s my birthday and I’m as sad as ever. I’m hiding from everyone, ignoring calls and texts. I don’t think my family even knows I’m home right now. 20 years and I have nothing to show for it. Being anything but sad an empty is a foreign feeling for me. I just want to hang myself tomorrow. I doubt I’ll go through with it but I want to. All I want to do is cry. but I’ve cried too much, and I can’t in front of my family. I don’t want to talk about it with them. there’s nothing they can do and they just don’t understand it. all I feel is sadness. that’s all I can think of.
Sad are the birthdays of suicidal people. I myself am quite sad on my birthday. At least you have friends who call you. I have no friends to call me. My birthday is rather dull. Another year has passed and I regret getting older. Fortunately as I get older I also get wiser. I am still very young though.
Why do you cry? Perhaps you have too many expectations about how your life should be. Tell us more about you.
I cry because I’m sad. why I’m sad I haven’t a clue. I wake up this way, I feel a failure. I dropped out of school, I suck at my job. I feel empty. there’s a constant rock in my chest weighing me down. I have no energy or strength to make things better, or the will. it hurts to be awake so I spend most of my time sleeping,
That saddness is depression. I know, because I suffer from it. If you want to talk more I am happy to listen
Well I send you birthday wishes all the same ( and to hope 432, for whenever your birthday may be). I hope there might be some sort of light or glimmer of happiness for you. Perhaps a pleasant birthday dream if you sleep lots?
I’m sorry I cant help much more. I generally suck lol but I am used to failure so I have come to expect my shortcomings :-/
thank you, and I exoect failure from myself as well, you’re not alone in that. Pretty much everything I do I don’t expect to succeed. I know I’ll suck
But yer know the coolest thing about you? You have a job and you still try at stuff! Seriously!
As crass as this sounds a favourite quote of mine is
“Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”. It keeps me ticking…for now at least 🙂
It might not sound much and yeah things can always be improved, but the fact you are here and talking about your thoughts, well, I think its good. A problem shared is a problem halved. I really hope you find something, anything, that’ll make you smile, if only briefly, on your birthday 🙂
Happy birthday, in the sense that you survived another year. Yes, it might of been a suck ass year – but you’re still here today.
Mom always told me you aren’t an adult until you’re 33, which, coincidentally, is the same age for hobbits.
My 20s were spent in a haze of drugs, liquor, sex, dungeons and dragons, and loud music. I am a much better person today because of it.
Vent here. Vent loudly. Love your gimpy family and use them as a guidpost to what you want to get away from.