So…hi everyone. My name is Jayden. I…deal with a plethora of problems on a daily basis. I have panic attacks very often and nightmares that make me cry nearly every night. I’m socially awkward…my friend had to ask me quite a bit just to post on this site. But regardless of all my problems…I met a girl who seems to make them all go away. The first time we talked on the phone I didn’t even have a nightmare that night. She means the world to me. We even had an LDR…but it ended after a couple months. But she still helps me with all my problems. But… my depression has slowly gotten worse and I don’t know why. I just don’t want to get out of bed, I have so little energy. I can’t find a reason to be happy. I’ve wanted to kill myself in the past but I realized I can’t because of all I’d be leaving behind. But all thats seeming to do is make what I’m dealing with worse. The panic attacks are more frequent, the nightmares worse, the social anxiety a living hell. All people have told me to do is “hang in there. It’ll be over eventually.” That doesn’t help me! That doesn’t change what I’m going through right now. I’m overapologetic and awkward. I always here “oh i’m here for you, just text me if you need me.” I never can though because of the constant fear that i’m bothering them. I just cannot bring myself to send that text. I know this probably sounds like textbook definition of depression but nothing i try to fix it stops. I’ve tried to not let my depression define who i am but while that’s easy to say when i have moments of courage and confidence, it is harder to act on than i imagined. My life is horrible as of late and all I seem to be doin with it is waiting for someone to kill me so I don’t have to…if anyone reading this got anything out of it please tell me…I could use all the help I can get. I know this entire post is a giant mess…but if you have anything that can help…please tell me. I don’t want to die but it seems more and more like the only option…
I know a thing or two about being overly apologetic and socially awkward.. tbh I feel that all now. Don’t wanna leave my house or do anything because I’m so freakin miserable.. I feel that man. In fact, I can relate to a lot of this… I just have to force myself to hide my sadness and anger under a mask of upbeat and chcheerful demeanor (which I honestly want to have someday)… Understand that changing yourself for the better isn’t easy when you have these types of issues. Many people on here have stories similar to yours and yet, they are the one who end up helping others on here as well… so my advice to you is, don’t give up. If you can, try to send that text to the right people, I’m sure they will be able to help you even more than me….. You say you have reasons to live? Well, remind yourself of them whenever you feel overly anxious and see if that doesn’t clear your head a little.. Anyways, I know I’ve sorta rambled here, but I hope I’ve helped somehow..
Thank you. You have helped. I honestly didn’t expect anyone to reply to my post…just grown to expect the worst out of people you know? But it’s nice to see I’m not alone…logic always tells me I’m not alone…but you’re not thinking about that when anxiety creeps in you know? Anyways, thank you so much
I can relate so much to your post. I’m always worrying about bothering people or bringing them down with my problems. I’m overapologetic too… Extremely overapologetic… And a perfectionist, sadly. I wish I could give you advice, but all I can do is let you know you’re not alone and repeat mindlessgamer’s words: don’t give up.
When depression tries to lie to you, pretend you can’t hear it. Make your best and keep fighting. I know that hearing others say things like “hang in there, this won’t last forever” doesn’t necessarily make things better since we don’t know what tomorrow will bring… But if we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, maybe tomorrow won’t be that bad…(?) Just trying to be positive even if you don’t have reasons to feel better may be one of the first steps to changing your mindset, I think. I always try to believe that hope is real, even when my brain says hope doesn’t exist…
I’m glad you have someone to talk to and means the world to you. I have someone like that too in my life, but he just took an airplane and we won’t be able to talk for 8 and a half weeks, sigh (oh my poor friends, sorry, but I’ll complain all the time for 8 weeks, lol…). I hope she continues to be close to you and important in your life.
Wishing you the best, Jayden.
Thank you so so much for the advice. I appreciate it a lot. I’m just…really broken so taking steps to end it seems like a Herculean task
Trust me, I know it seems impossible, but hopefully things will change soon for you. Stay well x
Thank you so much Tristeza. I didn’t expect to receive this much support from complete strangers.
We’re all in the same pot of stew, surrounded by cannibals.
You’re welcome (:
Hi Jayden, my advice to you is try practicing mindfulness, it has some exercises that help with the panic attack and depression.
I wish i was more useful… Btw i can realte so much to your post.
Thank you for the advice. Like I said earlier, it’s nice to see I’m not alone even though it’s illogical to think I am.