My uncle killed himself last week. Drove out into the woods about 10 miles from his house and parked at the end of an old logging road. Tied his belt to his seat and hung himself. He had been missing for a few days before they found him. I wasn’t super close to him. I feel nothing. I want to hate myself for not feeling bad but it is hard to when I feel nothing. It’s hard to judge or hate when I have been considering the same thing for a while. How long did he think about it? What finally pushed him to do it? I don’t know. All I know is it is going to be a ***** of a thanksgiving.
Its hard when a family member does something like that. Sometimes the hardest thing is figuring out why they did it. However I’m kind of the same way, when stuff like that happens, I don’t feel much of anything ether. It’s normal in a way for some people. Well, i hope you find a way to have at least a semi-good Thanksgiving. Do you need someone to talk to?
I think the biggest help is just putting it out there. Getting it off the chest as they say.
When I know someone who committed suicide, I am torn between two feelings. Either feel bad for them and miss them or feel that feeling when you know someone is finally free from something. Relief? Mental disorders are jerks. And sometimes I think that they’re somehow relieved that it’s finally over.
But I dunno, mate. What’s behind that door.
It’s for their eyes only.
Word to all that.
Thanks, mate. 😀
The ***** of a thanksgiving statement I think was a little misleading. What I mean is it is going to suck to listen to the boo hoos and try to pretend that I have human emotions.
Oh no. It’s right there. I understand what you meant. People want us to be normal. It’s hard to be normal when you know you’re not.
In my family it is acceptable to say “I’m numb,” and shurg your shoulders.
In the middle East you can say, “I’m numb,” yet at the same time demonstrate your terrible grief by hiring old women to wail for you. Not a bad idea, IMO.
Don’t beat yourself for being numb. Don’t beat yourself up for being numb about being numb. Your uncle had a reason for doing what he did and one day you will understand.
here here to the not normal i only wish i could be in the worst or highest degree ya-all the best company i have is here
sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you make it through the holidays OK.
Hang in there
You never know what pushes someone. My friend 18 years ago killed himself. The night before a group of us were playing drinking games and cards. He was playing along and telling jokes. Sunday night the next day he shot himself laying in bed. I think about it time to time and what his reason may have been.