I lost my ex after a drug induced psychosis and spent all of my money (10 k ) in a year and have recently had to start again. I’ve saved up some money again and have met someone new but I just don’t feel it with her, and people complain about my customer service at work because I look depressed. I feel so repulsive all the time. I bought some oleander cuttings and plan to make tea and eat the leaves tonight. I’m not sure if it will work but I know if it does my family will be devastated, but I’m just fed up with living I don’t find any enjoyment in life anymore. I’m 18. I’ve been depressed on and off since I was 11.
Even though m3thods can not be discussed here I will tell you that death by Oleander poisoning is largely a myth. Please don’t do this. Chances are the only thing that will happen is you will have explosive diarrhea and extreme muscle cramps. The amount you would be forced to consume would be totally negated by the sheer quantity of plant you would need to eat. This is not a good idea.
But since you are here why not chat with us depressed suicidal folks. Lots of ideas here, positive ideas that may give you tools to get past what has been a tragic year for you.
My depression started rather young too. No one took it seriously. Never got help. It ballooned. Created unimaginable problems. Now I’m in my late thirties still struggling wondering where my life went. All I want to say to people who are experiencing that darkness is to get help now. No shame, no denial, no running away. Because depression can always be managed and our lives can improve. Best to you.