I’ve wanted to die for as long as j can remember. I’m 29 and can remember wanting to. I’ve had so many opportunities but am too much of a ***** to pull he trigger, jump, take the pills, ect. And believe me, I want to do it. I just can’t. Hopefully the exit bag will help. Just gotta make it. (I just found this site which lead me to the discovery of the bag)
You’re not a *****-you’re acting out of rationality. It takes a lot of courage to want to blow your brains out-most of the ways you mentioned carry a great deal of risk of serious injury and severe pain if you botch it up. Death would be the lucky outcome but it’s not assured. There are very few safe, reliable, painless, guaranteed ways to die. The best would be if it was state sanctioned because they have the right drugs to help people self-terminate.
Having nearly suffocated a couple of times, if I was really desperate, that’d probably be the way I’d choose to go, since it’s not nearly as painful as I actually thought it’d be…but I’d rather do with an inert gas/exit bag, so that the body is fooled into thinking you’re still breathing. High altitude hypoxia produces a similar effect and death is very rapid…also they use pure N2 gas to euthansize pigs…if it works on them, it’ll definitely work on us.
You’re not a *****. You’re a brave human being, because you’re still fighting the good fight. You’re down, but never out.