This will be my 3rd post since discovering this website yesterday… I feel so alone and hopeless In life and I do want to face the pain anymore. After losing the only love of my life to someone else is Undescribable. I have been researching different methods on how to end my life peacefully. Yesterday I research the helium hood for around 12 hours. I have now opted for the ******** method… How long it will take for me to execute I have no idea until I summon the courage to do it I guess.. This is the only option I have as obtaining a gun in the UK is practically impossible. I’m just fed up with everything no one or nothing can change the way I feel
hey c’mon….see time heals everything, just give it a try, and never sit empty, keep yourself busy in some or the other physical activity, that’s the best method to divert your mind, go for a jog or join a club or gym. Things are definitely gonna change with time.
I just want you to know I read your post and I’m sorry. I hope you reconsider. I know that time always makes things sting less for me, even if it doesn’t make it better. It at least takes the immediate pain away. I hope time can help you, too.