Proof that I’m the ugliest person alive comes from the other side too. I have nothing against this guy at all, so it’s not that. Another transguy I know got featured in a popular news source for being a hot transguy and he’s about as big as I am. How is it that other big people can be good looking but I’m always told how ugly I am?? What is really so wrong with me????
I can’t deal with it if I think of it any more than that. I’m sick of being the ugliest person on earth. I’ve taken .5 and .4 of my testosterone the last couple of weeks and felt better at the .5 but my doctor wants me on .3 and you see how I’ve felt like shit for t he past year keeping my testosterone level at the bare minimum for a man with low testosterone. Bullshit. I should be allowed to have high, healthy levels of testosterone. I can barely drag myself to work and I lose sight of myself and my life being deprived of the testosterone damn near every transguy is on which is .5cc unless they have severe health complications that they can’t handle that much. I started out on .5 but then got switched to a new doctor who dropped my dose. Just let me have my .5 and tell me the logistics of what it takes to get a hysto here. ?
Are you a trans F->M? or M->F?
Why won’t your new dr give you the standard .5cc?
See a different dr? even if you have to pay out of pocket.
He’s f-t-m. That’s why he’s getting testosterone.
Thank you
No problem, brother. I hope the journey ahead is smoother.
Who cares about looks? I look all right, I’m still forever alone.
It still hurts to know every last person on earth is acceptable looking and I am the one who is not.
I don’t think you have to look far to find someone you compare favourably to.
Who tells you that? I know you have posted pics on here and been told you’re a good looking guy so who are listening to that says otherwise?
That’s just one person’s opinion.
Who made the definition of ugly and beautiful or hot in the first place?
Who said their opinion is the right one?
I’m a chick, I’ve had boyfriends in the past whom others may have seen as ugly, but to me they were a beautiful god, so seriously who’s perception and belief are you believing?
It is and it will always be true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and real true beauty is on the inside. Who cares if someone supposedly has a perfect body or a perfect face or wears perfect clothes or has the perfect job/life etc etc
If you have a good heart then that is the most beautiful thing ever and will always win over anything else.