I just saw Batman v Superman for the 2nd time and i have to say i have a much higher opinion of it than when I saw it the first time. The more I think about the more i realize how connected to this movie i am. I understand what its like to not be perfect and lambasted for it. I get what its like not to be accepted for what you are. For people to not see how good you are despite your flaws. I understand what its like tl be pre classified based upon criteria you can’t control because you are grouped in to someones expectation of what you should be instead of what you are. I’m tired of feeling ugly. I wish i knew a way to reprogram my head not to tell myself that. I feel so fucking repulsive that I want to kill myself. I often feel like suicide would be my great deliverance. It wont i dont have a method. Still it seems unfair that i have to drudge on and fail at life because i fail at causing death.
Some scenes I think that Batfleck nailed it, while other scenes, all I saw was Ben Affleck. Overall, in my honest opinion, he just doesn’t have that natural…
Batfleck wasnt the problem the Joker Zuckerberg version of lex luthor holds the movie back that and the trailers giving away all the milk for free lol
And I noticed you really like that music piece. Hans Zimmer is a freakin’ genius; love how he layers his pieces and builds them; and he’s great at creating suspense with them as well as addimg a dark gothic flair.
I love Zimmer. I think Junkie Xl may have done this piece though. Im not sure the whole soundtrack was a collaborative effort. This piece just tells such a beautiful story. I love the slow down toward the end. Its intentionally noticeable as to invoke traumatic or emotional moments in which the world seems like its slowing down. Its stuck in my head thats why i keep posting it lol
If you think about it makes sense. Affleck is a middle-aged man that has been through some serious shit (jennifer lopez), and batman is a middle-aged that has been through some serious shit. So… lol.
I do agree that Junkie Xl must have had a big part on the score, because zimmer’s themes (even if good) are always the same, and you at least see some variety on bvs. Definitely going to see it again in 3d next week
Overall, it was a good movie; could’ve been a little more tight-knit.
Yeah it had editing issues but it rocks in 3d MF. It is getting soooo unfairly lambasted. It’s not perfect but it doesn’t deserve a 30% on rt thats insane. I don’t think the entire universe should crumble because of it
I think it’s the die-hard comics fans, bro. And.they must be comparing its stoey to Frank Miller’s awesome story likr cr8zy. Hollywood takes qhat they need, want and see as best for their general audience n medium. I’ve seen some comics that are great on paper, but when turned into a film, it was awful or a “disposable” movie where u just watch once and don’t feel like or wanna get a second go-around because it was just that shallow n simple.
Nah it’s not just the die hard. I used to be a die hard dc fan and i liked it, but i have to admit it was poorly edited, that is the only complaint i can’t deny (and i don’t want to either, lol). The problem is this internet mob mentality that makes you an idiot if you liked it and an idiot if you didn’t… and then both sides fight to see which side is less idiotic, lol.
All the typos, fast one-take smartphone typing.
I loved this movie batfleck might do a stand alone movie