I lost my baby. I lost my baby. I lost my baby. This is all I can think about. I feel terrible and can’t seem to get better. I have a baby sister, I can barely look at her because she reminds of the child I lost. I know it’s not her fault but I get sad every time I see her. Today was her birthday, she turned a year old. All my family gathered and cheered and I felt miserable. I feel so alone, they don’t get me, and mistreat me. I want to be gone so bad.
I’m so sorry they don’t understand. I think you’re allowed to think about your loss and take all the time you need to recover. I hope you have someone in your life to talk to who will support you through this, and if not I really hope you’re able to find one.
In the meantime, you have this community and we’re always here to listen.
Thanks 🙁 I feel so alone.
This grief will run its course. But there is a process you must go through. Keep talking, I’m not going to say it gets better, but it does get different. Your family are bunch of insensitive claptraps. I’m sorry but it is true. Please keep talking here. Keep reaching out. There is strength in numbers.
My heart breaks for you canadiansunset. It’s so hard to be around what constantly reminds you of what you lost. Please take the time you need to grieve, and try to do something good for yourself everyday, even if just to come here to vent. We understand and are here for you. Hugs.