I can’t handle this abuse I get from you anymore I’ve had enough you pick at me, you yell, you scream. Call me names do your worst punch me, kick me, slap me. It’s nothing I’m not use to. You always deprived me of my bed whenever you were angry at me made me sleep in the hallway sometimes the bathroom even in the garage. You punish me because of what others do to you. You have no guts to stand up to them yet what you do to me is what you should do to them but what you do and how you treat me is horrible I wouldn’t want it to happen to anyone. You still to this day blame me for shit that happened 6 years ago. You threaten to get me raped, you threaten to murder me yourself and or by a gang who lives a couple of streets away all because my attempts were unsuccessful. You blame me for everything and anything that doesn’t go your way you say I’m a curse I tried to get rid of myself yet you say you don’t want me gone. You said to me you were going to make my life a living hell well you have since the day I’ve been born and to this day you still do. You say you love me then the next minute you hate me you say all this shit that happens I do to you how can when apparently I’m such a fuck up who can’t do anything to save herself. You told me that I shouldn’t have been born that I should have been aborted that no one wants me. Yet here I am still around I carry everyones burdens and problems on my shoulders you don’t want to hear my problems when I tell you, you laugh at me tell me that nothing is wrong with me make me believe it’s all in my head, you twist my words and call me a emotionless freak I’m only this way because if I show that you effect me you use it to your advantage. You say your the victim yet your nothing but the bully and you proved that to me when you slapped me not too long ago. I want you to leave me alone yet you come back and abuse me over and over again and expect me to put up with it and tell you I’m fine that I’m okay. I’m done. You try and get a reaction from me make me stoop down to your level and when you receive nothing in return you get violent.
Don’t try and bring me down to your level fuck you
written by Sui the Bunny
I’m sorry that you have to deal with this. 🙁
Nothing I ain’t use to I suppose :/
*hugs* hope it gets better eventually
It will only get better when either I die or she dies…
Mind you she said even if she was dead she would haunt me till I’m insane… It’s a bit late for that I’m already insane
meh don’t worry about that. ^_^ Probably not going to happen anyway 😀
Yeah but she’s that psycho I probably wouldn’t be surprised
I’m sorry, Sui. 🙁
Like I said its okay nothing I ain’t use to
When I read such sad stories I can’t stop thinking that we all are children of our parents and how they could ever allow their child to get hurt so much. I would set the skies on fire and freeze the hell if someone ever hurt my child. I don’t have kids and it’s easy for me to judge, which I shouldn’t do, but it drives me crazy when someone has to suffer for nothing, absolutely nothing.
I am so sorry you have to go through this. Hopefully when you each go your own way things will get better.
Yeah same…