Hello. Lately I’ve been feeling less like a piece of shit than usual. However, I’m positive that I’ll have a freak out sooner or later. Since I’ve been on SP for a week I might as well talk about the first and only time I’ve ever attempted suicide. And by that I mean a half-baked attempt that would have just landed me in the hospital with a stomach ache or not even that. So this was a few years ago and my depression was the worse it had ever been. My parents had just got done yelling at me for a $20 dollar fee I never followed up on. I was scared and I just wanted to die. They went out of the house for something that I can’t really remember. So I was crying and I got this idea in my head. I opened the drawer to find baby aspirin. That’s right baby aspirin. I even remember thinking “Is this even going to kill me?” I checked on the back and it said “If more than 5 are consumed at a time, it might result in kidney failure.” So I just shrugged and took the bottle to my room. I got a huge glass of water, which probably would’ve diluted the aspirin, and a huge handful of baby aspirin. I held it up to my mouth and had tears streaming down my face and snot dripping from my nose. In the end I wimped out and put the bottle with the aspirin back. I just laid on my bed and cried myself to sleep. Well that’s it. I doubt my slightly ok mood will last long. Thanks for listening.
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1 comment
Thankfully, you survived. While I don’t want you to suffer, I am relieved that you are still here… and that you have found a supportive place like SP.