Theres a young couple with is the is my husband first cousin and my third . my husband related from our cousin mother Im from his father . the girl he married to is threating to go home cuss shes here and sooo unhappy .the boy by nature is an ass he just cursed her mother while her mom was on the phone.
She is the only one that asked when I left my husband if i was ok and my side of the story and understood .
There fighting and told her ro stop talking to her mom they were staying with me before all this trouble started this town is jinx
My mother unlaw therw me shade saying i would of had Fiat if i stood my Xmas present. Like i couldn’t get my own care my credit is bomb . so she could throw it in my face to say with me you wouldt have a care. Um miss if id stay how was i gonna drive fiat in the fucking snow on a fuck moatain and pay t he payments if im not makeing money here . wtf
Fuck these poeple .
Listing to there convo fuck dejavu this town destroys you and your life .
Did you and your in-laws all move there or are you just visiting?
No moved here they say the might pack up in leave in August but there liers
Are you gonna try to get away from them? Can you and your husband just go off and live somewhere else?
It dont work that in my life .my husban wants to stay here if he can crawl back in his mom he would
Your in-laws seem pretty toxic. Why do you have to live with them?
They made me broke so they feel wanted so im shot i tried to leave but three months later Im here .
What do you mean, they made you broke? How did they do that?
Also, does your husband know how much they bother you? Seems to me that if he knew how depressed you are and how they make it worse, he would be OK with the two of you going to live somewhere else.
They made me broke by constantly making travel there needs wich killed my business. So when business picked up they wanted me to come here to tahoe when I said I only wanna stay for the holidays thet freak and kicked me out. So I was completely out of business for the last for monthes not a dollar to my name .
If that makes sence
And he knows
Sorry, I don’t really understand. Are you in business with them? What do you mean, they kicked you out? Kicked you out of what?
Kind of in yes i am in business with but when I wanted out and start my own business the same kind of work tho. We live together so when I wanted my own house the kicked me out of the house and did want me back . it was my husband that came and get me back. Cuss they didn’t wanted him to get me back
He knows that you want to die and that your in-laws really bother you, and he’s not doing anything about it?
I told him he probably think Iwas over dramatic and saying things he blames my family not his . when I break down .
It clearly seems like you really need to get away from your in-laws and you really need your business back. Your husband doesn’t seem to understand that. I don’t know what advice to give you, if I wasn’t terrible at relationships myself maybe I would. I’m sorry.
Is there any way to run your business from where you live now?
Yes there is but there it is extremely hard and if it dose get Its gonna get thrown in my face .