I’m reaching out for help. But I can’t find any. Cutting gets worse than ever before. And this feeling of hopelessness and grief as well, my anger is out of control but my parents in contrast desperately to control every single thing in my life. I’m getting crazy here. I need to change my damn surrounding, buy there is no way I could…
Have you ever told them to fuck off? Realize that everything is just in your head and let it go. Fuck everyone else. I am sure there are things you want to do in life. So fuck the rest of them. Do what makes you happy and tell everyone else to fuck off.
I’m sorry you feel like things are getting out of control. I can imagine your parents trying to control you is probably making it worse. Have you tried looking for help specifically with cutting or anger? I know it doesn’t seem like much of an answer but focusing on one problem, like looking for ways to feel calmer, can make everything just a bit easier to get through.