It happened after my 7th attempt, I was desperate and intrigued to Attempt again. My parents suggested we head to the mall, on my way to the car I found something that got me excited. There was a big Anti-freeze container sitting outside In our neighbors doorsteps. Now Ive been researching my crap for 3 years so I knew damn well how dangerous that thing is. The next day after that I told my parents I’m taking walk outside, little did you know I went to grab that antifreeze and dashed as fast I could without getting seen by anyone. I went behind the church and drank a whole pint of anti-freeze. To my surprise, I got drunk few hours later. now this thing can kill you with 12-24 hours. At night I had tons of trips to the bathroom and then I collapsed and woke up in my bed with my parents sitting next to me clueless on what was happening. Turns out my kidneys stopped and I got knocked out. When I woke up I had slurred speech, drooling, staggering, and was vomiting blood( all of which are symptoms of ethylene glycol poisoning) my parents were concerned and I lied and said I drank lots of beer at once and they believed the story since all the harsh cleaners and poisons in our house are hidden. 12 hours past and I was still not dead, it was in about that time that I was taken to the hospital because my parents saw that I was still staggering so it couldn’t be beer. I stayed in the hospital for a week and made a full recovery( believe it or not I walked away with no kidney damage) and then I was taken to a psych ward. So basically all in all we didn’t do shit at the end. And this ladies is gentlemen, is how to not kill yourself!
Thanks for sharing. I’ve heard, or read, or somehow gathered that that, or any other poison have very low success rates. Not to mention the long term damage you can cause, so I’m glad your safe in that regard.
That’s a really painful way to die, what are your thoughts on fentanyl? It’s a painless way to go
I tried to kill myself by drinking anti freeze once. Really disgusting stuff. Was on kidney dialysis for about a month
How much did you drink? And after how long were you hospitalized?
Sorry to hear for your failures. I weighed 8e to 86 lbs i forget and wasnt eating. Very malnourished. Looked dead already at that point. I swallowed over 60 2mg xanax and 10 percocet 30s and lived. I did this 6x. Slept for days. Never lost myy heart beat. Waa foind and ended up in the hospital for them to keep an eye on my vitals. And also ended up in psych ward twice. Every time i lied n said it was accidental i didnt want to stay at the hoapital or psych ward. Who would… they serve nonreal help for me… so no to drug oding too. Xan and alchohol is the deadly mix but i diidnt drink enough vodka the first time i added vodka in the mix…i hate drinking…must try to the helium bag method next…fast and painless…and legal to do. I have been talking about it in numerous threads. I hate my liie. That or hanging from a tree close by in the woods. I taught myself tonight through youtube videeos how to make the hangmans noose.
I meant to say 85 to 86lbs. Sorry. Im currently on xanax to numb myself sp typing gets hard on these things. Im eventually going to paas out if anyone decides to reply n i dont answer them then sorry.
What the fuck are you doing? Do you even know?
You drank antifreeze? Like, do you want to feel shitty? Because thats all it can do.
When you want a way out, you will literally try and do everything….. that’s a given. I almost sniffed two baga of heroine after swallowing 60 xanax but i chickened out. I should have never gotten ris of it bc now i can never find another source to get my hands on it. That source hunf himself a week ago. My dear friend…
I bet he didn’t drink any antifreeze
household toxins such as bleach, drain cleaners, and anti-freeze have a 77% success rate from what ive heard. That’s why I went for that method. Besides, ethylene glycol is one of the most poisonous substances out there. Ive also drank bleach but more on that story later
Idk who would lie about this kind of a story..for what.. but am confused anout the kidneys failing part because you need dialysis for that or you die immediately. I am pretty sure……..
When I woke up I couldn’t pee for few days so I assumed my kidneys have stopped. I guess now that you mention it maybe they just got damaged
I don’t know what really happened
Yeah definitely just damaged. This is what sucks about attempts. The failing and doing damage oart then having to live with rhe damage on top of what u already effin feel.
July 31 2019, I too tried to kill myself by drinking antifreeze. I drank several ounces and then layed down in bed basically waiting to die.. within a few hours I was so “drunk” I couldn’t get out of bed to pee. I was in and out of consciousness for 4 days. After about 12 hours I stopped producing urine. I was extremely nauseous, couldn’t keep any water down for more than a few minutes. Everything was spinning so fast I was holding onto my mattress trying to make it stop, I also noticed as I was drifting off, my breathing was very fast. I guess you could say I gave up so on August 4th I called myself an ambulance. Several drs told me I was extremely lucky, they said I should of died. I was originally told I’d need a kidney transplant or I would need dialysis for the rest of my life. But somehow with dialysis my kidneys slowly improved. Im guessing they are fine now, I never went to any follow up appointments after I left the hospital. I’m not currently suicidal but I do wish I had died. I absolutely do not feel lucky.