Ya well i broke up with her about 3 months ago didnt wana hurt her honestly but It because I am Bi and I like more guys I have boyfriend and well I am Gay.Came out the closest 2 months ago and ya since then people are still talking shit and it doesnt stop. I honestly dont know what i did wrong but I hurt my ex it’s weird I would still do anything for her anything anything still feelings there for her cus we went out for 2 years and they just wont go away..However, meet my boyfriend on Facebook and he my 1st bf and I am much happier happier than I have ever been in my entire life words cant explain how much this boy makes me feel inside :)..But we been dated a month now and I do really like him..Not guna lie I love him with all my heart <3 but that is what i am feeling…Dont wana get hurt by him I would be heartbroken and maybe tried to kill myself and I dont wana do that..been bullied at school everyday been called fag quer fagget gay ass ***** and more and it hard those words hurt me alot i dont know how much longer I can take of all this just want it all to go away and make my life peaceful instead of letting people make it hell :/…Seeing my ex everyday at school I just cry she told me she wished i had never meet her and everything and i was hurt and i do what i do best cry and cry because i am the sensitive guy..Wish we coulda been friends but doesnt wana..All my friends turned against me and well I have no one just a Loner at school and it sucks honestly but i know who my real friends are and i dont have any…Looking ahead of me now..worrying about what am i guna do with my life hopefully last a long time with my boyfriend i cant say forever but we will just have to wait and see..and in the mean time just guna have to deal with all the bullies at school…
Well, its a dangerous move, coming out of the closet, while at school, i assume thats either middle or highschool, teenagers are very judgemental in any case, and you prolly might have destroyed your school life, its going to be harder and harder from now, even though being gay/bi, the way i see it, its normal but everyone else wont think so,for the most part atleast.
has for your ex, if she doesn’t want too, u cant really force her to befriend with you, she is prolly hurt, so might aswell leave her alone, it will be hard on begining but it gets better, hopefully.
Man, fuck the lot of them! I have so much respect for people like you that have come out and even though people fuck with them about it they decide being happy is way better than being something that your not! I’ve been bi for 7 years but I still can’t come out! I’m trying to start a music career and coming out right now would be probably derail any chance of that happening. I’m just going to half to go on quietly hating myself.
Ya thank you :)…honestly it sucks i have no one all my friends turned against me because of who i am now coming out but i dont get what that has to do with anything you know?…just a loner now and ya
How old are you and in what state do you live in?
Because if you’re in high school and/or younger than 20, CHILL with the ‘love’ term. I know, right now he’s the right man and he’ll be there forever. It’s easy to get really attached to someone who shows you that they care… but there may be a time when that ends. I’m not being negative on your relationship! I love your relationship, I think it’s adorable. Just keep in mind, you are young, and your boyfriend is young. You met on facebook? Ok… Now, about the bullying, depending on where you live, people are extremely EXTREMELY closed minded. It could also be from maybe hearing that after two years with that chick, some rumors started popping up. Like how she turned you gay or something. Surprisingly, people really love to make fun of that. Which is probably why she doesn’t like talking to you; she may feel that she turned you gay. As for being called a fag, for now, go to teachers about it. That is actually a hate crime. They are offensive slurs. It helps if you can manage to record it somehow on a tape and remember who said those things. It’ll either warn the others to shut their fucking mouths or it could fuel the fire… but either way, you’ll show that you’re fighting against it all.
Honestly, I love bi/gay folks, I think you’re a sweet guy already. At my school, we had two gay guys, and they were ‘forced’ to go out with each other because of peer pressure and because they couldn’t meet anyone else. I was a talker with both, they knew could ***** to me, and they admitted that after high school it was over between them because they knew they could move away and meet new people. I want to see you make it through high school. Hell, if you can, pick up a martial arts class just for self defense. Because you never know when these insults will turn into attacks. You never know and you can never be too cautious. I wish you good luck against the haters and I hope you and your boyfriend continue to be happy!
Ya we meet on fb but hangout all the time and ya i do really like him alot and he does too bt ya i cant say we guna last forever :/…naw she didnt turn me gay i was bi but i liked guys more and ya…yup get bullied alot but i dont let myself no matter how hard people say ignore them it only gets worse tired of laying back not doing anything..I am guna stand up for myself now