Why some people can commit suicide?
Why some people want to commit suicide but can’t do it?
Suicide is really an awful thing to do but the feeling of the person who want to do it
is more awful becuase it is full of pain and suffering. They say too much of anything
is bad for us human beings, too much stress can lead to depression, too much vanity can
lead to anxiety and too much pain can lead to wanting to commit suicide.
We all know that there’s no perfect life. There are a lot of troubles, conflicts and
problems that we will face throughout our entire existence. God allow us to suffer,
not because he doesn’t love us but because he wants us to learn from it, he wants us
to become stronger, but what I don’t understand is, why he allow some people to end their life.
Can’t he notice if it’s already too much to carry, if our problems in life is too much for us to continue
moving forward.
People who commited suicide didn’t really want to die. They just don’t have any reason to continue living.
Worst thing is, some of us don’t have someone to comfort us and to make us feel that we are worthy. It’s
the feeling of confusion and being lost in reality that gives suicidal people strength to end their life. If only
there’s one, just one person or even one reason to help us move forward and continue living this one precious
life we have, maybe we won’t be considering this kind of act, the act of ending our own life. It’s too awful to
think about suicide, but we can’t stop it.
1 comment
adrian.roxas13 ,
a little debate here I reckon, I don’t believe it has anything to do with any god, it’s more like luck if your lucky enough to start out basically ten fingers and ten toes, then you have to depend on growing up correctly which is a crap shoot, all the terrible things that can happen and fuck up your mind, then when you can take care of yourself you can fuck yourself up too!, so………………… it’s really a mess all the bad crap that gets stored in your brain, and your health can turn to shit, and we were meant to die anyways, so……………….. There isn’t any one size fits all, just good luck or bad luck, sink or swim.
I’m just rambling.