Ever since I was little, I always felt left out. I always felt that way because any time I tried to be social and fit in I’d get burned. I am 24 now and the depression is sinking in ever deeper day by day. From when I screwed up my first true relationship with a girl whom I believe I was in love with and shared deep emotions with. Ever since then my life has spiraled down. I lost my job at the same time that I broke up with her, and I made things worse by constantly bugging her. I went through drinking heavily alone, smoking pot (which never really helps because I have paranoia issues), I snorted coke for about 6 months then I stopped. Shortly after that, I got a new job and was feeling a bit better. Then, I decided to eat some schrooms which, I think, completely destroyed my sociability, then I went on eat more schrooms, some acid, and finally smoked some salvia. Salvia is what triggered my desire to end my time on this planet. When I smoked salvia for the first time, I felt like I died. Everyone and everything I knew did not matter anymore at that moment. When I came down, I missed that world so much that I continued to smoke salvia. I love music, and love to write music although I don’t write catchy tunes. The only part of my life that I am absolutely disgusted with is myself. When I try to make a change and apply it to the real world, I fail. From all the psychedelic experiences that I had, I’ve learned that I am in control of everything that I perceive about myself, so when I beat myself down for no good reason, I become even more aggravated and the cycle continues. When I was very little, like 6yrs old, I loved to take things apart and put them back together. So now it seems that I’ve taken my mind and soul apart I’ve been trying to reassemble it. It is like shredding a piece of paper and putting it back together with really shitty glue. I know my insignificant problems aren’t enough to justify suicide, plus I’d end up hurting my family. I don’t have any close friends really, co-workers yes, but no one I hang out with and talk to. I refuse to drown anyone in my shit so I choose not to talk about my problems to anyone. When I write or play music on my guitar, I have this deep sense of hope that these issues will manifest themselves into a song. They do, but they keep coming back. People say life is about living it and giving back to others. I do my best to do so, I have no room in my heart for hate towards another since it is consumed by self-hate. I write to you all on this site because I know no one will have to read it if they do not want to. When I think about suicide, I think about those who will miss me. Then I think about how selfish that would be to them if I took my own life. On the other hand, there’s a part of me that thinks that those who want me to stay and live are being selfish to my desire to end my time here. I feel that the world is turning to shit nowadays and people are going to become even more dark and greedy and narcissistic as time goes by. I am very disappointed in mankind, myself included. That is why I do not want to keep enduring this life. I am not worried too much about the pain of suicide, since I’ve learned that pain, physical or emotional, is all in my head. I am increasingly become bored with life. I want to die now but don’t have the balls to do it myself.
Dude, i am right fucking there with you. Everything you said. But…at least you have people that will miss you. At least your good at something. At least you have a job. People suck life sucks everything sucks. and the only thing worse than being unhappy with your shitty life, is being unhappy with your not so shitty life.
Why dont you have the balls to do it? LIke whats your thought sequence? How do you see your self dying? Do you believe in that whole heven and hell shit? “concious beyoned the grave”?
i do to some extent, only because I’ve experienced being disconnected from reality, physically and spiritually. Like having no relation to anyone or thing in my life, like my life was just a joke. My problem is boredom, not misery. I really cannot wait to get off this rock. And they way world is now, I would be severely pissed off If i get reincarnated and have any kind of memory of this life. I do not want to be part of this world. If I had a gun, I would’ve whacked myself a while ago. My life is miserable enough for me to actually commit suicide (jumping off a building, bullet to the head, etc.) but I would love to die tomorrow. I am very, very, very impatient. After experiencing death and a complete disconnect, I miss it.
I find it very interesting how so many people tend to use drugs for self improvement. Whether to forget about problems, subside pain, or self exploration. To a similar degree there are many people who would have all mind altering drugs banned because their conviction is that drugs are tainting otherwise decent people. From my understanding most people are using drugs because there is already something wrong within them. I myself infrequently use many different psychedelic drugs for the purpose of metaphysical exploration. I have recently been using salvia divinorum and have realized a lot about my own existence, and I have to say to your contrary that what I learned from salvia did not make me want to die. It made me want to live. It helped me to once again remember where I am, who I am, and why. Yes, I have gone out of the physical plane. I have died. Each time I come back I remember why I want to live. It’s because I am not done. I have other lives to touch. People to influence, ideas to build better, communities to help grow. I have wanted to stay dead before on several accounts and tried, but every time right at the last minute fate steps in the way and takes me back to my last save point. How many times is it going to take before I finally take the hint that my soul is not done playing this game of life. I know what it is that I want, but I have let others dummy down my motivation. What I want I have known about since before I was born. My earliest memory is picking through several copulating candidates to be my future parents. I chose who I chose because out of the ones that were available at that instant they were the best qualified. They were ambitious, in the right social setting for me to grow as a decent person, they were healthy, had loving family members; and were compatible to the affect of having a strong, healthy, attractive child. Throughout my life I have had people who would keep me grounded, probably so I wouldn’t get so big in my head. Also I have been approached by several strangers in different places in the world who have told me that there’s is something particularly different and special about me, and that I need to keep on a righteous path because I am meant to do amazing things in this world. At times this has really freaked me out, and I have often times questioned my identity. What is this monumental thing that I am supposed to be? I know that I am very powerful. however, good or bad? I feel a strange relief, because this is the first time I have ever publicly revealed this. I know what my soul desires. That one is simple. Quite bluntly, my soul wants to be a rock star. However, just now I realize that my soul must be very selfish. but maybe there’s really nothing wrong with being selfish. I didn’t come into this world as two souls or with a partner. It is meant to be my journey no one else’s. Either way I am going to give my soul what it wants. I obviously haven’t failed at life as a whole. I still have plenty of time to finish the job, and when I compare my physical situation to other physical beings, I can see that I am primed for the position. This is in a nutshell what I have come to see. I must now act upon it. You can do the same too, if you wish. I would strongly recommend it, because if you don’t your soul is everlasting and will just keep coming back to this world to try to fulfill it’s goal again and again and again. To those who think that dieing is the end, you’re wrong. It’s just where you wait until you jump back into life again. In my opinion this is the hell of existence. There’s nothing else. all we do is take turns playing a game and each time we play we either attempt to pick up where we left off, or try something different. Throughout the ages I have been the explorer, the conqueror, the daredevil, the discoverer. I am ever the survivor. That’s my soul’s path pattern. So I fall in suit. That’s the way it goes. There’s only one logical reason to end one’s own life, and that is if you know your purpose for living in the first place, and you have come to a point that prevents you from ever possibly completing your life’s task. If you are certain that you cannot possibly complete your soul’s purpose than you must be much wiser than most, and it should then be your unselfish duty to share you wisdom with those that need it.
thesmite, heres a contemplation for the both of us…
if you really want to commit sucide but do not have the balls to do it i would like to propose an experiment of sort;
Lets forget the karma, God, religous notations, reincarnation, philosophical introspect, Quotations, freinds , family loved ones….
We agree to commit sucide together as brothers of this universe for our sake of clarity, maybe even testing the theory of Hell, and Satan or of the Devine power….here is how it goes.
We both get two high powered hand guns 45, 357 modify the bullets for maximime destruction and have a point blank dual….yea arms length hope fully in some serene magjestic place or maybe just a garbage dump who cares at this moment.
Heres the deal we will really find out who wants to die quickly (i hope) we stand at arms length with our fire arms pointed at our forhead since this seems to be the area of discomfort, we solomly take an oath to complete this task, right.
if we really want to die it should be a double sucide, if not then we will be faced with the consequence of betrayal, the one left standing will have to deal with murder, the one lying (hoprfully dead) will have his wish come to Fruition….
We get a timer set it for 30 seconds (no time to contemplate) when the bell goes off we pull the trigger… if one of us fails to do that, one will surly be shot and then the one standing will have to concieve they just committed murder, contemplating on that may give you the courage to complete the self act of sucide.
the caveat is in the details….if you think about it there are some ambiguity to my idea… i’ll let you ponder on that ….
Best thought from a man on the planet Earth……
suomy nona, i know exactly what you’re talking about. through salvia i witnessed my soul having a human experience. a suit as you said. here’s the thing, no one takes me seriously when I try to give them some advice. the world is saturated with clogged ears and crusty eyes. i would love nothing more than to spread love and joy. but no one out there seems to be listening. i am rapidly losing faith in the human race. you say that life should be one’s own journey. fuck everyone else. i disagree. i cannot commit to being 100% selfish to attain my goal. its not in me. i have a really nasty habit of breaking things, see how they work, and attempting to reassemble them. i am never satisfied. i cannot find anyone to make some good music with because the people i used to jam with have other priorities. music is my purpose and i need to find other artistic musicians who feel the same. but im constantly hitting a wall and i feel like my patience disappears sometimes. i see young teenagers who play really good music are already in bands and playing shows while i’m masturbating and dreaming about playing music for a living.
“I feel that the world is turning to shit nowadays and people are going to become even more dark and greedy and narcissistic as time goes by.”