I don’t know where to start. I’m a girl, I’m 20 and I think I’ve completely ruined my life.
I have cheated on my boyfriend of three years several times when drunk. I had sex with one, and the others were kisses only.
what can I do? Well, I’ve told him. He forgave me. But I did it once more than he knows about. I don’t know what to do, I don’t think there’s any way out. I love him so much, I truly do. I don’t know why I do it when I’m drunk.
You can say it, I’m a complete *****. I know.
But guys, I think I’ve ruined my life. I think there’s no other way out. I can’t keep hurting him. My close friends know what I did. I keep considering therapy, or maybe suicide. At least then, if I go, sure they’ll all be hurt, and that devastates me, but soon after; I’ll just be a girl in their memory. Then they will get on with their lives without me fucking everything up.
I know you are going through hell right now, but you need to understand you are in a temporary, though very serious emotional crisis. You need to get help NOW!
As I’ve mentioned before if you are looking for help, the best thing you can do is to find a dialectical behavioral therapist, as this therapy was designed by psychiatrists and therapists specifically working with, and trying to help those who are suicidal. It is statistically proven to have the highest, and most significant success at actually helping people like us, as well as those suffering from other, various and sundry mental torments. Cognitive therapy is second best, as far as actually showing statistical evidence of being effective. (If there was a DBT, or cognitive therapist here, I’d be in therapy right now.)
But, in your situation, any decent therapist is preferable to none. You CAN get through this crisis. Though it may be hard to see it, it is only temporary, though by no means does that mean your suffering is not genuine.
The only other advice I can give you is to try to stay in the moment as much as possible, do not allow yourself thoughts about the past or fears of the future, just try getting through moment to moment, day by day.
We’re all human and we all make mistakes, we all screw up, almost all of us hurt those we love and must deal with the guilt, anguish, grief, and shame of that. But, try to forgive yourself, learn from your mistakes, accept responsibility, and the consequences, but other than that don’t keep punishing yourself for the past you cannot now change. I know that’s easy for others to say, and very difficult to do, but please try.
And, know you are not alone.
I knew how hard it is but why you didn’t give up drinking alcoholic drinks and sth like that and I knew alot of people who has done it and now they have a better life.
really think about it it’s not easy but it can be the best way.
I often find once drinking my faithfulness disappears.. I have felt before like you do now and I know it sucks. I think we are either not meant to drink or simply not meant to promise fidelity to people because we can’t keep it. Have you ever cheated sober? Talk to me 🙂