Well, very average at best. I long ago accepted my ugliness and depression but just recently after many years they’ve started to bother me again, making me more suicidal. Why? I already came to terms with it. Seems life just wants me to carry on suffering and beating myself up about it. Looks are everything to people nowadays and everyone knows it. They are the passport to a much easier life and happiness.
I’m really sorry that you struggle with appearance issues. I do too. The world would be so much better off if we were all born blind.
I don’t think looks are everything or are likely to lead to a much better life, but I know it can be really triggering when it becomes something you can’t help thinking about. In my experience if you start to believe your looks are the most important thing about you or that you can’t be happy looking the way you are, those thoughts usually become triggers for the depression to get worse. I think it’s something you can change, although it takes a lot of effort. I couldn’t stop feeling terrible about my looks for a while, so I just had to stop any thoughts about it when I remembered. There were less of them over time and eventually they were less powerful and I could believe more easily that they weren’t as important as I thought. I know it can be a huge battle. I hope it stops bothering you as much soon, and I hope the depression gets less severe.
Thanks, good post.