I will not kill myself! i will not take your crap . you will no longer play mind games with my emotion. i dont care that your my father you can go to hell and burn. To ever bully that ever teased me… FUCK YOU. You know what you guys are? pussies! spineless maggots that fed off my need to be like everyone else. One time i would have gave in and died. but now if i ever see you again DAD i will sock you in the teeth until someone bleeds. and it wont be me. To the man that raped me as a child, i hope your enjoying your 20 years in jail. drop the soap buddy. SEE HOW IT FEELS. i fuckin dare you. when you get out of prison early for good behaviour which everyone seems to do these days, I will be there to kick you in the nuts until you become a woman. And to every person that says i should think of others and not be angry,.. FUCK YOU. Ive been raped and teased and abandoned by my goddamn father. I HAVE A FUCKING REASON TO BE ANGRY. No one will EVER dictate my feelings ever ever AGAIN and i am in control of my life. if anyone tries to stop mt potential i will DESTROY THEM. and if any ppl here are depressed or killing themselves take what i wrote srsly. DONT LET ANYONE CONTROL YOU EVER>You are in contol of your goddamn life accept it and take the fucking reins and horse kick any fuckers in the nuts that try to ruin your life. if you cant take your own life in your hands i have no words for you.
I’m sorry that you’ve been through all of that. You have every right to be angry. It shows your courage to have taken control of your life after all of that.
“DONT LET ANYONE CONTROL YOU EVER>You are in contol of your goddamn life accept it” – Well said.
very well said; i’m silently crying. The rage you feel, you reminded me of my own anger. Better on fire and pissed then drowning in depression. I love you Splinterstar, I really love you.
btw, read the satanic bible if you get a chance. It’s not about evil or anything; it’s exactly what you’re talking about; taking control, not letting others control your fate, loving those that love you and hating the haters.’ Treat others as they treat you’ is one of its main philosophies. I haven’t finished it yet but I reccommend it
You have found the key to your strength.
Very admirable.
Especially considering the things you went through.